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Meeting Santana in the parking lot was nice. Barry liked catching up with her, especially since she didn't hate his guts for their highschool rivalry. Bailey was on a date with Thea so she wasn't at the Lab when Santana came in, though Santana needed to leave at around 7-ish. 

Barry zipped to STAR Labs making sure that no one saw him. Caitlin was waiting in the hall by the cortex, glaring directly at him as he exited the elevator. "What's going on?" Barry asked the biologist.

"There's someone from the military in the cortex, he's looking at the suit." Caitlin glared, her voice a little wobbly. 

Barry looked confused, "What?" 

"Military guy, cortex, your suit!" Caitlin growled.

Barry walked past her and into the cortex. His eyes travelled around the circular room. Computer, lab equipment, his Flash suit, Hunter Clarington, some more computers, a hospital bed... Wait.

Hunter Clarington stood in the middle of the cortex, in his military uniform. He turned to look at Barry before breaking into a smile, "Sebastian?"

Caitlin walked in with Cisco right as Barry said, "Hey, Major Hot-ass."

"Captain Jaw-line," Hunter replied. 

The two stared at each other before breaking into giggles. "Hunter, man. What have you been doing?" Barry asked.

"I mean, I've been in the military since I got out of rehab," Hunter told his old friend, the two got close to hug. 

Barry pulled away, "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, yeah, my Captain sent me to work with the Flash on a case. Does he work here?" Hunter wondered, looking amused.

Sebastian smirked, "I don't know? The suit doesn't give it away?"

They both laughed. Caitlin looked confused as did Cisco, "What's going on?" 

"Hunter and I were roommates in high school before we graduated," Barry told his friends. He turned to his old friend, "BTW, I'm the Flash."

"I know."

"What? Barry, why'd you tell him?" Caitlin asked him, very angrily.

Barry shrugged, "He already knew, plus..." He shrugged, "I trust Hunter, weirdly." Sebastian thought about it for a minute, "How did you even know?" 

"The military knows, they just don't care," Hunter told Sebastian and his friends. 

Sebastian looked towards his friends, "Apparently, the military knows."

Cisco looked upset, "What happened to 'Flash must be kept a secret from everyone'."

"I mean, Hunter is trustworthy, most of the time." Sebastian shrugged.

"What do you mean, most of the time?" Caitlin yelled.

Hunter shrugged, "It was an accident." 

"Yeah, we don't blame you. Or at least I don't blame you," Sebastian told his friend. "I don't know about the others." 

"Yeah, that's ok, I don't expect them to forgive me," Hunter sighed.

Sebastian sighed. He explained things a little better to Caitlin and Cisco, the whole, Glee club and Ohio thing. Hunter explained the reasoning behind rehab and what he did to the Warblers.

"So you were in a Glee Club?" Cisco asked.


"But you, literally, trip over your own feet." Cisco sat down in one of the multiple swivel chairs, "Did you dance with the two left feet you have or did you steal someone's feet?" 

"I danced with my own two, regular, feet." Sebastian rolled his eyes and sat down next to Cisco. It was the most awkward thing ever, Hunter standing next to Caitlin, the two being the most mature people in the building. 

Hunter turned to Caitlin as Cisco and Sebastian continued to ask and answer stupid questions. " this a thing they do?"

"Yeah, occasionally," Caitlin told Hunter. "So, what's the case you need help on?"

The two walked off to the lab section of the cortex together, as Cisco and Barry continued being crackheads together.

("So, you can sing?"

"Yeah, but like, only good music."

"Ok, so can you do costume-stuff?"

"Why do you think I can do costume-stuff?"

"Because... Glee club? Costumes? 1 +1 = 2."

"Well, I can."

"You can do costume-stuff?"


"Wait, so do you like your suit?" 

"I mean...its kind of chafe-y."

"Wait, really?" 

"I mean, yeah.")

This is shorter than my last chapter, but I did try to do something a bit more dialogue-heavy. How do you think it went? Comment if you like it more this way or if you like the chapters before, which had a bit less dialogue.


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