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Jeff, Nick, Thad, Trent and David followed Barry to Jitters. Oliver left at the precinct parking lot, needing to make his way back to Star City for a meeting with Felicity, probably Arrow related. He left Thea there, so she could meet with Bailey to apologize in person, or at least that's what she told Barry.

His old friends didn't seem like they changed much since high school. Jeff and Nick were finally together and that was the only big change. Trent was an event planner, which Sebastian wasn't too surprised about, Trent planned almost all the Warbler's concerts. Thad told Sebastian about his family and how he worked as a podcaster. Wes got married and had gone to Law school, someday he'll have an actual, legal, gavel to throw at them.

Sebastian told them about going to college for forensic science and how he worked with his twin at the CCPD. He explained Bailey and how she wasn't his girlfriend, though they did live together. 

They arrived at Jitters and ordered their coffees, Wes making sure that Sebastian got his liquored up coffee.

The small group sat down at one of the small tables before Nick and Jeff started to ask their questions. 

"So who was that guy?"

"Why did they call you Barry?" 

"What's going on?" 

Sebastian let their noise wash over him, reminding him of Dalton, of the Warblers and of the utter sarcasm needed to quell the noise.

"Can you guys shut your mouths for like, three seconds?" He wondered, the snark biting into his voice. They quieted a bit, the coffee shop still full of others chatter. Sebastian answered their questions simply, "That guy was Oliver, my boyfriend. They call me Barry because that's my name. And you guys are being dumb, except for Wes, you're being smart." 

Wes grinned. 

The other men had more questions, and Barry tried to answer them. After a couple of minutes of answering questions, a waitress came by with croissants. Thad and Nick got themselves a pastry and the barista left. The whole interaction a bit strange considering the barista seemed to report straight back to Iris at the counter. 

"Look, my name is Barry Sebastian Allen and the man I called my father was actually my Uncle." Barry took a sip of his liquor-laced coffee before continuing, "After graduating from Dalton I moved back here and became a CSI."

They all looked a little lost. Jeff spoke, "do you still sing?"

Barry laughed, remembering the few times he's sung since Dalton, "occasionally. More shower-singing then performing."

"Seriously?" Nick wondered. "We all thought you were going to Broadway or at least a Performing Arts School."

"Forensics caught my eye," Sebastian admitted. "I've always liked science and forensic science called to me."

"Why?" Wes asked.

"At the time it was to feel something other than anger at others. Now, I use it to help people," Barry whispered.

Wes nodded, "I feel the same way about Law. I might have to defend someone I don't agree with, occasionally, but otherwise, it helps me feel like I'm doing something in the world."

The group nodded, all agreeing with the sentiment of Wes' statement.

Sebastian had finished his coffee and liquor and so stood up, "let's blow this popsicle stand?"

The men nodded and followed him in standing, before they filed out the front door, making sure to recycle their cups.

They walked around the Park, before finding a nice area with some picnic tables grouped together. "Let's take a seat." Trent gestured to the tables.

Everyone found themselves a nice little seat and the group sat and talked for a bit. Barry was having fun and was pleasantly surprised by the lack of questions the Warblers had for him.

"Do you guys have any more questions for me?" Barry asked them, trying to be sure that they had been answered to the best of his abilities.

Jeff nodded, "I do actually. Do you still use gel or is your hair just... Like That?"

Sebastian was so taken aback by the humorous question that he burst into laughter. "Oh, wow." He couldn't stop giggling. "That's seriously your question?" He asked once he had settled down.

"Yep!" Jeff made sure to pop the 'P'.

Sebastian shook his head in bewilderment, "I don't use hair gel anymore. I guess it's just... Like That."

The group laughed, glad that the energy of the group was a positive one.

I hope you like the addition of the Warblers. Santana is coming soon, don't worry!


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