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Talking to Thea always made Bailey feel better. Her girlfriend's voice always made Bailey's heart full. She couldn't have gotten through so many things without Thea. 

Thea had visited her when Barry was in the hospital.

Thea had made her feel better when her brother looked like a corpse on that hospital cot. The brunette girl always made Bailey feel a bit more joyful. 

Bailey sat in her room and listened to Barry's Spotify playlist. They shared an account, so his playlists were always intertwined with hers. Thea sat with her, wrapping her hand over Bailey's. 

Uptown Girl started playing through the speakers, but instead of the familiar voice of Billy Joel, it was an unfamiliar voice she had never heard before. She looked to Thea in confusion. Thea looked back, in a similar state of uncertainty.

After a few seconds of the music tinkling in their ears, a clear voice broke through. "She'll see I'm not so tough. Just because, I'm in love with an uptown girl!" Barry sang through her earbud.

Bailey jolted up from her sad mope on the couch. "That's-" Her voice cracked "that's my brother."

"Really?" Thea gasped. "I didn't know he could sing."

"He used to sing me to sleep when I had nightmares." Bailey paused the music, "He always looked out for me. There was never a point when I thought he would leave me. Even when he moved for high school, I knew he would come back, but what if he can't now?

"What if he physically can't come back to me? What if this coma takes my brother away from me?"

Thea leant over to turn the music back on, "You'll still have him. Always." 

Bailey loved Thea with all her heart. Thea and music were what brought Barry back to her, though now she knows that what brought him back was actually some lightning bolt and a mutation. 

She met Barry at STAR labs that night. Apparently, his ex-roommate, Hunter, showed up at the lab, so she made sure to be extra careful as she walked through the door. 

The cortex held Cisco and Caitlin, with Barry out running all over Central City. Hunter walked in from Caitlin's lab, "Hey, can you show me how this thing works?"

Caitlin motioned to get up, but Bailey beat her to it. "I'll help you," She said, moving to the lab to give him a hand. 

"So, who are you?" Hunter asked.

She smiled as she pulled out the necessary equipment for the experiment she wanted to show him, that showcased what he had questions about. "I'm Bailey Allen, Barry's twin sister."

"I didn't know Sebastian had a sister," Hunter remarked. "But then, there's a lot about Sebastian I don't know."

"Oh, right. I forgot he went by Sebastian," Bailey told him as she set up the experiment. "High school was a weird time for us." She explained the piece of equipment to Hunter, "Yeah, so that's how it works, and what it does." 


Hunter stuck around while Barry did his patrol.

The four of them talked to Barry as he ran through the city, keeping the citizens of Central City safe. 


"Yeah," Barry responded. "We used to do backflips and stuff. It was pretty awesome."

Hunter laughed, "I mean, yeah. The backflips were more of a me thing than a you thing, but they were still a thing."

Bailey laughed as Caitlin and Cisco looked on, astounded. She had made Barry get her some Swedish Fish, and she was sucking the flavour out of them, as one does. Bailey had claimed a swivel chair by the computer bank and was eating her candy and drinking a bottle of Coke, the two things to keep her up when Barry's patrols went on late into the night. 

The next day Bailey had to make an early morning Jitters run. These coffee runs were a regular thing, but usually, Barry did them and Bailey got to sleep in a bit. Barry had run to Star City to be with Oliver last night, so Bailey had to do the coffee run.

She bought her and Barry's coffee, which had a bit of alcohol in it. Bailey had never approved of the whole, liquor in the coffee thing, but now that she knew it did nothing to him, she was more ok with it. 

As she was walking out she heard a short brunette woman talking to a short effeminate man. "Are you sure you saw him here?"

"I'm very sure, Rachel," The man told Rachel. "It was that stupid Meerkat."

She sighed, "Look, Kurt. You may have argued with him, but are you sure it was him."

Kurt. That name sounded familiar, but Bailey couldn't pinpoint it. She rolled her eyes at the level of drama between Rachel and Kurt, but Bailey moved on. Work was slightly more important than Rachel and Kurt's drama.

I know this was short, so... sorry. The first part of this is heavily inspired by the song, 'Unsung Emily' from the new Netflix show 'Julie and the Phantoms'. It's a very good show, so I think you should all go watch it. 

So... Rachel is in Central City. Wait to see what happens between her and Sebastian...


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