Chapter 41: Veronica

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Chapter 41: Veronica

I smiled sadly as I sat down in the car, thinking of the last couple of days. I truly meant it when I said I didn't want to leave Dean. I positively felt like I was in a fairytale with the amount of love, dedication and respect he had shown me ever since becoming my boyfriend.


What a funny word. Never in my life had I expected to be dating anyone so soon. But with Dean, everything felt right, like it was meant to be. It was a feeling I had never felt before, with anyone else. He made butterflies fly in my stomach when he was near me, giving me the smile, he reserved only for me. He made me feel valued, he made me happy.

Sure, the timing also played a huge part. I wouldn't know what my life would have been if I had met Dean sooner. Maybe my company and career wouldn't have taken off. Maybe I wouldn't have been a successful businesswoman. Maybe we wouldn't have liked each other back then.

But I guess it's useless to think such thoughts. The person who said that there is no time like the present, is right. With the Dubai Fashion Week finally off my back, I can take some time off to relax. I am sure the sales team can handle the inventory. I was already looking forward to Sunday. I need to ask Minnie to ask someone to clean and stock it up the cottage.

Maybe we can go for fishing in the lake near it as well. I am very bad at it and would greatly appreciate some pointers if Dean had any. I would need to ask him if he liked to fish, though. I wondered how it would be like to cook a fish I catch someday. I was more of a chicken-lover, but Dean had mentioned that fish was something he enjoyed and I wanted to try it once.

I got distracted from my wayward thoughts by the metal song which blasted through the speakers suddenly.

"Excuse me, can you please keep it down? Where is Frank?" I asked as the driver ignored my polite instruction, instead turning the music up further, confusing me. The car was now shaking with the bass.

What is happening? Who is he?

"Sir? Did you not hear me? Turn the music down! Where is Frank?" I demanded to see my trust-worthy driver. A bad feeling settled in my stomach as I looked outside the car, expecting to see a few buildings on the way to my house which I recognized, but was instead met with unfamiliar ones. The road on which we were on had a few streetlights off and the buildings were tagged with graffiti.

The driver said nothing as I got increasingly panicked, trying to open the window and the door. They were all locked, though. I banged my hands against the glass window, hoping a few passersby could hear me, but to no avail. The music was so loud, it felt my hands were a part of the beat.

I felt helpless before I remembered my phone. With desperation, I searched for it and breathed a sound of relief when I found it in my purse. In my hands, I was about to call Dean, when as if by some miracle, he called me.

I picked it up not a second later and screamed his name, wishing he can hear me over the music.

Everything stopped: time, my thoughts, my heart, when the driver suddenly turned around with a gun in his hand. I moved to cover my face and body by curling up and moving my hands. A shot rang out, and I screamed again in terror. Beside me, the headrest exploded, throwing white stuffing in the air.

My thoughts were all blank, my body had one goal of escaping this terrible situation I found myself in. A few seconds passed; I was still curled on the floor in one of the corners of the car.

"Shut up, you bitch!" Flash growled as he drove, looking at me through the mirror, his eyes full of rage. I was too terrified to ignore his words.

I should have noticed it was him when I had gotten in the car. But his dyed white hair and Frank's white hair due to age made me not pay so much attention. Both of them were tall with medium build.

I couldn't make excuses for my unawareness now; there is simply no time. I needed a plan of action. Wordlessly, I felt around for my phone to dial the police but found out that the screen had cracked in my hurry to save myself. I gulped, my throat feeling dry. I tried the power button a few times, my heart dropping to my stomach when it didn't turn on.

There was no way out of the car unless Flash wanted me to get off and I cannot tell someone I was trapped. My only hope was the Dean heard me and knows what is up and can help me out. Maybe he can have the police track my phone? I looked down at the cracked screen, fighting the urge to cry.

I didn't have a lot of options. I was ninety percent sure Flash will torture me before killing me. The look in his eyes when he had met mine was almost psychopathic. He will kill me. Making peace with death was never much of a hassle for me.

There were times when the pain was too much, the nightmares and stress that I wanted to just disappear, but Zoey always kept me sane. And now, I had Dean as well. I wanted to be with him.

I wanted to live for him.

A sob escaped. I can't die. I didn't want to die. There were so many things I wanted to do. The situation wasn't in my favor. There is no other option, if I have to go down, I will take this bastard down with me.

With the miniscule courage I had left, I silently grabbed my purse when Flash wasn't looking and tested its strap.

Counting down: three, two, one...

I jumped up and looped the strap of the bag across his check and headrest from behind, effectively choking him. He flailed around as he gagged, his hands leaving the steering wheel, to loosen the grip. He almost succeeded a few times to get it off, but I was unrelenting.

I held on for dear life, praying—no—almost begging for the strap to hold on while the car swerved left and right. My knuckles white, my eyes closed, I found myself being flung forwards, becoming a victim of whiplash as the car crashed.

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