[Chapter 18]

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That is so true 😂.


"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."

-Walt Disney


{A/N's POV}

They walked back to the Gryffindor common room in silence. Once they made it, they went to their dorms without saying goodnight to each other.

Y/N went into her room and went straight to bed. She was tired, but she had a lot to wonder about. She decided to think about the first time she joined a pranking plan with the twins.


The three Gryffindors snuck into Percy's room. Percy was sound asleep and his soft snores filled the room. Y/N was beyond excited and giggled. Fred put his finger to his lips, signaling her to stay silent. She nodded and George took out the stink bombs.

"Turn off his watch," George whispered to Y/N.

She nodded and quietly crept to Percy's nightstand. George and Fred quietly activated the stink bombs to go off in the morning. Percy would have to take a very long shower after this prank.

After Y/N had turned off their watch, they all snuck out of his room and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Percy's yells could be heard in the Gryffindor common room. Percy ran out of the room and everyone covered their nose, due to the stench.


The boys immediately dashed out the door.

"Y/N did it!" they yelled.

Y/N looked at them in disbelief. Percy looked at Y/N and she dashed after the twins.


Y/N laughed at the memory. It was one of her favorite memories of all time.

After trying to fall asleep for an hour, she sat up and stared into the darkness, frustrated. She was exhausted but her mind would not rest. She got out of bed and headed down the stairs. And what do you know, Fred is sitting on the couch, fiddling with a gold necklace. She didn't get a good look at it, but he sensed her presence and turned around. Once her saw her, he put the necklace in his pocket.

"What are you doing up this late?" Y/N asked.

Fred had the same thing on his mind.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm not tired," she simply said.

She slowly walked over to him and sat down beside him. Their hands accidentally brushed against each other and Y/N's face turned bright red.

They sat there in silence, staring at the fire. They wondered who should speak first and wondered if they should at all. With the condition of things, would it be awkward?

Finally, Fred faced Y/N and sighed, getting her attention.

"I'm really sorry," he apologized. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for getting you detention. I'm sorry for embarrassing you in the-"

He stopped when Y/N put her hand in his.

"It's ok, Freddie," she said.

He slightly nodded.

"But... what my mum shouted out loud earlier..." he said. "It's true."

Y/N felt butterflies in her stomach and her body warmed up.

Sugar; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now