Chapter 8 - "You know, I never pegged either of you as being the skittish type."

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Monica slid a mug across the counter to Donovan, the black coffee swirling inside. Nodding his thanks, Donovan picked it up and sipped. From the bathroom door emanated the patter of the shower. Monica glanced towards the hallway.

"How's he doing?" Link's mother asked.

Donovan sank back in his chair, noticing the worry lines around her eyes.

"He didn't talk about it this weekend?" he asked.

Sunday was always reserved time for Link and his mother. They'd have brunch, visit a museum, or do nothing but talk. With her the top lawyer at her law firm and in high demand, it meant most nights they barely saw each other. That's why Sundays were their day.

Monica sighed and rested against the kitchen counter, the steam from her mug curl around her face.

"He said he was fine and asked about my latest case and how it was going," she said. "I didn't want to push him. But...he's going to school with Mason, it can't be easy."

She looked to the hallway again and the lines deepened.

"He's handling it better than I expected," Donovan said. He hesitated, debating how much more to say. But seeing how concerned Monica was, he continued. "They've had a run-in, but luckily a new friend of his was there to distract Mason."

Monica raised her eyebrows, surprised. "Is this Carter? He mentioned her a little. She sounds interesting. Does he like her?"

Donovan fought back a smile at the curious gleam in Link's mother's eyes. It was the same look his own mother got when girls were mentioned by any of her sons.

"No," Donovan said. "She's simply a friend."

At the disappointment in Monica's face, Donovan almost told her about Maddy but held it in. Maddy was a topic for Link to share when there was more to share. So far only two interactions didn't say much for the future.

The door to the bathroom opened and Link walked out, dressed and toweling his hair dry. He paused when he noticed his mother and Donovan in the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Simply stealing your mom's good coffee," Donovan said.

Link headed off to his room and Monica gave Donovan a grateful smile.

"Please let me know if he's not doing all right," she said. "I'm glad this first week wasn't too bad but...I can't imagine he won't have rough times."

"Of course," Donovan said, walking a strange line between being employed by Monica and best friends with Link.

By the time Donovan had finished his cup of coffee, Link returned. The pair grabbed their bags and headed towards the door, Monica wishing them a good day. Link glanced over at Donovan as they stepped onto the elevator.

"Did mom talk to you?" he asked.

Donovan sent him a look and Link sighed.

"What did you tell her?"

"That you were handling it better than I thought."

Link perked up under Donovan's assessment. "I am, which means she shouldn't worry so much."

"She's a mother, that's what they do." Donovan nudged Link's arm with his elbow when Link continued to frown at his reflection in the door. "When someone worries about you it means they are involved in your life enough to know what's going on and care about how it's affecting you. You should be happy you have a mom that worries, too many people don't."

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