Chapter 19 - "How can he be so clueless?"

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As Donovan walked down the hallway, his gaze took in each face that he passed, though his head barely moved. The subtle observational skill was not one that Link possessed, his head twisting every which way as they walked.

"What are you looking for?" Donovan said, trying to keep the teasing note from his voice. He knew the question should have been 'who' instead of 'what'.

Link jerked his attention to Donovan, eyes wide as he shook his head and shrugged.

"What do you mean? I'm just... looking and stuff. You know, always be observant and stuff."

Donovan couldn't help it, he laughed. Link and observant were two things he'd never been able to connect, no matter how much he tried.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Donovan said, still grinning.

Link rolled his eyes, not at all amused. From his peripheral, Donovan noticed the increased heads turned his way and inwardly smacked himself. He wasn't stupid, he knew how being animated changed his entire appearance. He'd slipped up and because his best friend was looking for the girl he liked.

Donovan schooled his expression back into closed-off indifference, hoping he hadn't messed up too much. Link cocked his head, smirking at him, clearly not as unobservant as Donovan accused him of being.

"You broke your 'silent type' persona, who is the idiot now?" Link said.

"It can still be both of us," Donovan said.

"Yes, but people assume it of me, not you. I think this means it's worse for you."

"But only you know about it which I'm fine with it. Who are you going to tell?"

Link flashed a toothy grin. "Your brothers."

"Ha," Donovan said dryly. "They already think I'm an idiot so you wouldn't be telling them something they don't know."

"I don't know, I think they might want to hear this one. Perfect Donovan messes up."

"I laughed, that's hardly noteworthy."

Even before Link gestured around the hall, Donovan knew it hadn't been a simple mistake. As the Silent Type he was still approached but when he laughed and smiled he knew he looked more approachable, it wasn't likely that the opportunity would missed.

As if to back up Link, a girl broke away from her group and cut into the pair's path. Donovan sighed inwardly and Link seemed to be bouncing with enjoyment next to him.

"Hey," the girl said hesitant but hopeful. "I know we haven't met but... I'm Alexis, we actually have AP Economics together."

The girl seemed kind, friendly even but still Donovan had the strongest urge to grab Link and use him as a shield. Yes, Donovan was the 'New Thing' in a world where these students had known each other for years but he wanted to tell the girl that Link was 'new' too, take him, leave Donovan alone. But he couldn't do that, she wouldn't accept Link and it wouldn't matter.

Instead, Donovan locked his expression down, even making sure to deaden his eyes.

"Okay," Donovan said uninterested.

Alexis faltered, while beside Donovan, Link turned away, grimacing into his fist. At Link's reaction and Donovan's cool attitude, Alexis retreated a step.

"Uh...sorry," she said. "Just... uh... I'll... never mind."

Quickly, Alexis spun on her heels and rejoined her group, her friends all shooting Donovan glances as Alexis buried herself in their protective cocoon. When they were out of earshot, Link shook his head.

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