Chapter 29/30 - "I just want to go home."

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This is an original and comes between chapters 29 and 30 hence the odd chapter title. It's right after the party Maddy takes them to.


A rapid fire of knocks woke Donovan. A chill crept over his arms and torso as he climbed out of bed. The knocks continued, grating against his patience. When he pulled his bedroom door open, Link was waiting on the other side. Resting one hand on the door frame, Donovan held the door in his other hand as if he was likely to slam it closed any second.

"What?" he growled.

His tone had no effect on Link's eager expression.

"It's Sunday," he said.

"I'm aware. It's also seven in the morning."

At this statement, Link shifted.

"I wanted to be ready when they called."

Realization punctured the sleepy cloud in Donovan's brain. His annoyance vanished and with it his scowl. Tiredly, he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah, of course," he said "They don't call this early, you know."

Link gave a weak shrug, and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Still."

"Okay, let me get ready and we can get something to eat."

Link's face perked up. "I'll just wait here."

The eagerness returning, Link walked back to Donovan's living room and plopped down on the couch. Donovan grabbed clothes and went to get ready.

A short car ride later, they climbed out of the Mercedes just outside a small diner. The city streets were beginning to fill as families took off for church and others went to find the company of their friends for a long breakfast. The early morning breeze was cold and the pair quickly entered the warmth of the place. The smell of toast, bacon and eggs filled every corner of the diner. A stout, middle aged woman glanced at the newcomers and grinned.

"Find a spot loves and I'll be right with you," she said.

Half the booths were already taken, weekend workers grabbing a bite to eat before they dashed off. Despite the number of diners there, the noise was minimal, most keeping to themselves and their thoughts. Donovan led them to an empty booth by the windows and slid in, Link sitting opposite. Outside pedestrians cradled cups of coffee, the steam spirally upward. The smiley waitress appeared, offering them a warm greeting.

"Do you boys want your usuals?" she asked.

Donovan looked to Link, questioning him.

"That sounds great, thanks Lynda," Link said.

"Of course, sugar," she said.

Before she could disappear, Donovan spoke.

"A cup of coffee as soon as you can," he said.

Smiling at him, she nodded and walked off. It was barely a minute later when a mug of rich black coffee and a collection of additives was placed before him. With his thanks, she left again. Ignoring the creams and sugars, Donovan drank the coffee straight. Across from him, Link didn't need any stimulant. His leg bounced incessantly as he stared out the window.

"You have your phone with you?" he asked Donovan.

Donovan gave a single nod.

"Good. It's charged and everything?"

Another nod. Slowly draining his mug, he watched Link. The prospect of seeing his father always had a brightening effect on him, but something about to day was different. Donovan made no mention of this, Link would tell him when he was ready. Lynda came back with their food and they began eating. Despite what looked like nervousness on Link's part, he still managed to inhale his food.

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