Chapter 42 - "Get out of my way."

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If you don't know what chapter this is then you have not read A Secret Service, cause it's THAT chapter.


Anger tore through Donovan as Carter helped him lower Link onto the cot. Unconscious, Link looked younger, almost like the little kid Donovan had first met. A boy so small he barely came up to Donovan's shoulder. Rage seared through him.

"I'm sealing you in here with Link and I'm going to get those bastards," he said to Carter, his fists clenched.

He moved to the door, but Carter darted forward, blocking this path. She pressed her hands against his chest. The touch halted Donovan, breaking a piece of his anger. 

"What are you thinking?" she said, glaring at him, her eyes full of defiance. "Did you not see the mammoth man we took down? Do you honestly think you can just go out there without a plan, when you have no idea how many more are out there?"

"They came for Link!" he said, eyes as hard as granite.

"I know!" Carter shoved him. Despite her strength, Donovan barely moved. "But that doesn't mean you can get yourself killed! Or do you want me to tell Link how you were really brave and got yourself shot?"

"Get out of my way. And stay here." His voice was low and menacing.

He needed to do something, needed to make someone hurt. Carter didn't move, didn't even flinch, her stance unwavering. 

"No! I'm not letting you do something stupid."

Donovan stared at her, wishing she would back down.

"I have to make this right!"

"Link is safe!"

"But he wasn't! I failed! Something almost happened to him and it was my fault."

Carter held his gaze, her blue eyes seeing through him.

"That may be true," she said, her voice quiet. It was a tone he had rarely heard from her, but it held all the understanding he didn't want to hear. In that moment, Donovan felt like tearing someone limb from limb. "But Link is safe now and he still needs you to protect him. I'm not letting you leave because you have to fix your pride."

Her words were like a blow. They held him from storming from the safe room, but did nothing calm his temper. Still fuming, he turned away. He tore off his blazer and flung it at the wall, wishing is was made of glass so it could shatter and ease some of his frustration. The fabric hit the hard surface with a soft thump and crumpled to the floor, unharmed.

As he stalked back and forth along the wall, he felt Carter watching him. Her gaze was hard, daring him to make another attempt to leave. Despite the anger coursing through Donovan, he was not so blinded he couldn't see the logic in what Carter said. In someways that made it all the more irritating. His muscles flexed at the cage he felt himself trapped in, but he didn't make any sign of leaving. After a tense minute, Carter left her post at the door and crossed to the speaker.

"Smith," she said, connecting the device to its counterpart.

The response was immediate as Donovan knew it would be. If he had to guess he figured Smith had been counting the seconds, waiting for them. 

"What's your status?" Smith asked, his gruff voice crackling through the black box.

Carter glanced at Donovan to see if he would talk, but he said nothing his brain still furious with himself, with the men after Link and the traitor who had sold Link out.

"Link is secure," Carter said. "He was the target."

"What?" Smith's exclamation was echoed by Mason's in the background.

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