Chapter 17 - "Donny has a hot date!"

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Donovan heard his phone buzz on top of his bed and snatch up it, accepting the video call. Three different screens came into view, each one holding a different brother.

"Donny," James said. "What's the hold up? We're wanting for you and Link to join Call of Duty."

Donovan set his phone down on his nightstand, leaning it against a lamp.

"I texted you," he said.

"Yeah, but we thought you were joking," Brock said. "Do you honestly think we're going to believe you're going on a double date."

It was a fair point, they all knew he didn't date. But Donovan didn't know if he wanted to tell them it was true, he had a good idea of how they would react. Instead, rifled through his closet, trying to find a good shirt.

"We're missing the obvious here," Clint said. "Donovan has just showered and is looking for a shirt, he really is going on a date."

Loud oohs and exclamation filled Donovan's quiet room and he winced.

"Donny has a hot date!"

"Who is she?"

"What does she look like?"

"Are you officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet?"

"Have you held hands? It's not official if you haven't held hands."

"Does she call you Donny Wonny?"

"Do you both refuse to hang up the phone, or are you heartless and hang up right away?"

Donovan tried to ignore the tirade of immature questions, but he found himself shaking his head and trying not to laugh. The name Donny Wonny coming out of Carter's mouth would be the strangest thing. And he hoped he never experienced it.

By the time Donovan had found a shirt and tugged it on, his brothers had run out of annoying things to say.

"Alright, who is she?" James asked.

Donovan grabbed his phone and carried it with his to the bathroom.

"She's no one," he said, setting the phone down and working his fingers through his hair.

"We don't believe you," Brock said. "Why would you be going on a double date with her if she was no one."

Donovan stopped and stared at his brothers. "Because this is for Link. Besides, I didn't even come up with the idea she did."

The second he admitted it, Donovan regretted.

"A woman who takes charge!"

"Did she send you a note saying 'will you go out on a double date with me check yes or no'?"

"Don't let her take advantage of you Donovan, it is okay to say no."

"Do you have pepper spray?"

"Do you need us to call and bail you out halfway through?"

As the Greek chorus continued to spew comments, Donovan worked his hair into a perfect brushed back style. Somehow he didn't mind the inane chatter. It felt like he was home and his brothers were crammed into the bathroom with him poking fun at his life. Even after six years of being alone, he missed them.

"I'm hanging up," Donovan said, noticing the time.

"Wait, wait, wait," James said.

Donovan paused, his thumb hovering over the screen.

"Just tell us," James said seriously. "If this lasts, will you be voted prom King and Queen?"

All three brothers burst out laughing and Donovan ended the call. Despite their ridiculousness, he wished he didn't have to hang up.

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