Chapter 35 - "She knows, Jay."

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This is the chapter where Carter runs into Donovan and his brother James while running.


"Donny, wake up."

Donovan tensed as a hand smacked his shoulder. Growling with annoyance, he rolled over. James stood by the edge of his bed, muscular arms crossed over his chest.

"Come on, little brother," he said, "we're going running. I fear you're getting out of shape."

"You sure it's not you who gained ten pounds over the last month with your new cushy job?"

James hit Donovan again, but Donovan caught his brother's wrist.

"Ten pounds in muscle," James said.

"Sure, try telling that to the paunch you call a stomach."

James yanked Donovan from his bed, but he was ready for this tactic. Leveraging his weight, he knocked James onto the floor and rolled to his feet.

"Fat and slow," Donovan said. "How does it feel to be past your prime?"

When his brother made to kick Donovan's legs out from under him, he leapt back.

"It's a miracle you got that promotion with how weak you are," Donovan laughed.

Faster than he expected, his brother was on his feet and crashing into him. The two went slamming into the floor, fists colliding with whatever part they could find. After an intense altercation, Donovan was pinned down, James holding him there with his body weight.

"What was that about being slow?" his brother asked, grinning.

"I might have been wrong about that," Donovan grunted, his face pressed into the ground. "But I wasn't wrong about you being fat."

Laughing, James eased up. "So a run then?"

Donovan shoved his brother off and rolled his shoulder, bringing feeling back into it.

"Yeah, let's go for a run."

Dressed and thoroughly awake, the two brothers left the apartment building. The sun was breaking into the sky and burning the top of the buildings with yellow light. The streets were quiet, the city basking in a late morning.

"What do you say?" James asked, stretching. "Warm up at the Lincoln Memorial and then go from there?"

Donovan nodded and the two of them set off. Their pace was easy, letting the smooth motion loosen their muscles.

"How are you liking the promotion?" Donovan asked.

As they crossed a few blocks and headed towards the Mall, James told him about his job and the challenges that came with the new position. When they reached the Mall they found it mainly empty, even the most avid tourist not up so early. The only people there were joggers and cyclists. They were circling the Reflecting Pool when a breathy, 'On your left' gave them a warning before a figure darted past, a brown pony tail wiping out behind her. Donovan briefly noted the stride and strength of the girl's body finding it vaguely familiar, but focused his thoughts back on his brother.

It was only when they were on the other side of the Pool and the figure was ahead of them again that clarity hit. Unable to stop himself, Donovan spoke, cutting off James.


Pausing in her cool down, she turned back to them. Recognizing Donovan, she walked back, hands on hips. She was dressed in tight workout clothes and sweat beaded on her forehead. Donovan was struck by the way she looked and each defined curve. Shoving the impressions away, he made his face blanking, hiding all trace of his thoughts. Beside him, he felt James grin as intrigue radiated off of him.

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