Chapter 32 - "A slip of the tongue."

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Yes, it's the date. Gosh how you managed to get this one out of me is beyond my belief. 🙄 I guess it means I really do love you.


"What movie will you be seeing?" the tired looking movie theater attendant asked.

"One for..." Donovan paused. "I mean two for Midnight in Hell."

As the girl got his tickets, Donovan couldn't stop the memory of his last date coming to mind. It had been over six years ago, two weeks before he had taken the job with Link. The girl had been bubbly, talkative and an experienced kisser. The last fact was something he discovered at the end of the night when he had dropped her off at her house. Before he could find out what other areas she excelled in he had said yes to the President and his whole life had been flipped.

"Here you go, enjoy your movie," the girl said.

Donovan accepted the tickets and went back to the entrance to wait for Carter. Taking up a spot across the way, he watched as Link and Maddy edged towards the concession stand. He had barely settled in, sliding his hands into his pockets, when Carter appeared. Like a magnet, his gaze found her. Though her face was calm, there was a weighed look about her, like she held a secret too heavy to carry. He nodded to her, analyzing the way she moved and the way her eyes didn't meet his completely.

"Are they already in there?" she asked.

She took the spot beside him, her arm barely brushing his. The touch jarred his thoughts as well as the closeness of her.

Righting himself, he nodded again, training his eyes back on what he was really there for. "They're in line at the concession stand."

He pointed into the theater lobby and Carter looked over. As she watched them, Donovan couldn't help but watch her. There something sad, and lonely in the way she took in the innocent scene. Her brow furrowed and the edge of her lips curved down. Donovan nudged her arm with his elbow.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Carter frowned, pretending confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You've been distracted all day."

"It's noth-"

Donovan gave her a flat glare, halting her remaining words. Part of him hated the way she easily pushed him away. Even though he understood it, he wished it didn't affect him like it did. Not willing to let him in, she turned away. He knew that she couldn't be pushed into talking, so continued his appraisal of the surrounding crowd.

"You don't have to be here," he said, after a few minutes.

Carter looked at him. "Do you not want me to be here?"

"Do you want to be here?" With the comparison of his last date so fresh in his mind, he needed to know.

"Yeah, I want to be here."

Though she said it, Donovan felt that it wasn't the full truth. It was as if a barrier was falling down between them, and he was helpless to stop it. He pulled out two tickets and handed one to her. Taking it, she glanced from it to him.

"Link told me what they were seeing and I got it when we showed up early," he said.

She read the movie title. "It's a horror movie."

"Apparently Maddy has a liking for them, or is looking for an excuse to cling to Link."

"How does Link feel about them?"

"He has a stronger stomach than you'd think and I don't think he'll mind Maddy clinging to him."

Carter managed a rough smile that didn't last. The sight of it eased a bit of Donovan's concern. They watched as Link and Maddy made their way to the front of the line and made their purchase. When they took off towards the theater, Donovan and Carter moved in sync. They handed their tickets to the red-vested, freckle-faced attendant and joined the stream of moviegoers down the long hallway dotted with doors.

ClassifiedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora