Chapter 15 - "Why I do favors for people is beyond me."

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She knew. Someone else knew. For six years Donovan had a small circle of people who knew who he really was. Now one more person knew and it was her.

The initial shock had passed. But Donovan still felt like his world had been flipped on its axis. Not two days ago he told himself he'd never forgive Carter Owens. But now...

Now he'd seen the scared, vulnerable girl behind the facade of smirks and sharp comments. He glimpsed her fear over her father and in doing so, he'd been given a glimpse of her heart.

Carter walked alongside Link, listening to him talk about the previous day's lunch and everything he'd done wrong. He held nothing back, which told Donovan Link had completely forgiven her. If he had, then Donovan would as well. After all, she'd cracked open the door to her life and let them in.

The pain and brokenness Carter had shown in the library were no longer there. Instead, she wore an easy, calm expression, all her emotions hidden away. She might have let them see the deeper side of her but she clearly didn't intend for the rest of the world to see it. Donovan admired her strength at tucking away her struggles so easily.

Her father had been shot, he couldn't imagine her having a bigger fear than that. But somehow she managed to conceal it so easily so no one else would ever know. But also so that Link wouldn't think more about it.

Something about that made him soften more towards her. How many times had he concealed his feelings from Link for his sake? Now Carter did it to make amends with Link. That was something they shared.

As they entered the cafeteria, got food, and seated themselves, Donovan didn't mind taking the spot next to her. A strange contrast to the previous day. Again that feeling like his whole world had been turned on its axis hit him again. The strange feeling made him less perceptive and out of nowhere, he found one of Maddy's friends by his side.

"You came back," the girl, Jen, Donovan remembered, said. "I thought yesterday I wouldn't be able to finish my story."

Donovan vaguely remembered the contents of the story, but the turmoil over Carter had kept his mind occupied while Jen had chattered on. He inwardly sighed, he could have done without the completion of her story. He understood her attraction and could've felt pity for her, he sensed how eager but nervous she was talking to him. But he didn't care, he wanted to eat in peace while his best friend floundered at flirting.

But there didn't seem to be an escape as the girl launched back into her story. Beside him, he noticed Carter half-listening to Link and half-listening to Jen. He waited. Hadn't she promised to use her charm? Charm that came in a form like a verbal bat to the face?

Donovan shifted, his elbow bumped hers but she acted as if she hadn't felt the contact. At the tiniest twitch in the corner of her mouth, he understood. She was amused by his predicament.

Of course she would be. Her knowing who he was wouldn't change who she was.

Jen gave an eager, high-pitched giggle that shot straight into Donovan's ear and he held his wince in check. As she stopped giggling, she leaned forward and rested her hand on Donovan's bicep. He reflexively tensed which was not the right move, since her eyes widened a fraction.

Donovan glanced at Carter and saw her fighting back a grin. She was enjoying this far too much. Maybe he'd been too quick to forgive her.

"So there I am lost in the museum and they announce they are about to close," Jen said, stroking Donovan's arm with a manicured hand.

Donovan shot Carter a look again. This time he threw in narrowed eyes. She rolled hers at his subtle threat but still, she responded, coming to his aid. Something he hadn't thought he would need but having his arm fondled made him extremely uncomfortable. Therefore yes, he needed her aid. No, he needed her blunt nature.

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