Chapter 39 - "Link, stay here."

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Chapter right after Captain told Carter that he signed back up for two more years.


Donovan pulled the school door open, allowing Link to enter before he followed. The walls rang with voices as students lounged against lockers and shared gossip. Most of what they talked of was about the following Career Day event and who had been rumored to show up. As Donovan and Link cut through the crowd, Donovan glanced around, making note of dispositions and always searching for just one person, despite what his brain told him to do. An excited voice greeted them, before Maddy bounced up to Link.

Quickly, the two connected, arms encircling each other. Maddy tossed her head a bit, making her black hair swish around her shoulders. With that gesture, Donovan noticed the difference. Her hair was three inches shorter, where it had fallen below her shoulders yesterday, now it hung just above.

It was a detail Link wasn't likely to notice. Just as Donovan was about to make mention of this change, and in doing so verbally throwing a hint at Link, he caught sight of Carter.

In an instant, he knew something was wrong. Her body was tense and the fingers of her right hand were curling. Before she could act, he called out her name.


The sound froze the blow. Nudging Link to join, he walked up and took the place by Carter's side. Lucas stood facing her, his expression a mocking sneer. Along his jaw was still the sign of Donovan's right hook. Though it had been satisfying to knock the insult out of the guy's mouth, it was a reminder that Donovan's focus had faltered and his emotions had gotten the better of him.

Seeing Donovan, Lucas flinched. It was all Donovan needed to know that this situation could be handled without a problem.

"How's the jaw?" he asked.

Lucas tensed but didn't move. He locked eyes with Carter, stubbornness making him hold his ground.

"It seems you still have a master," he said.

Donovan curled his fingers, but Carter was faster.

She punched Lucas, a loud crack sounding out as her fist collided with his cheek bone. His head jerked to the side and he stumbled into a group of Juniors. A couple girls gasped and heads turned to the scene. Questions started flying, their old gossip tossed aside in the light of the event.

Sensing the anger radiating out from her, Donovan quickly grabbed Carter's arms and held her back from going at Lucas again. Even as he felt the strength beneath his fingers, the tension was gone, driven away by one blow. One hand cupping his jaw, Lucas looked at Carter, shocked.

"I guess that changes my answer to your original question," Carter said.

Curiosity over what the original question had been passed through Donovan's mind.

"I'll have you expelled for this," Lucas snarled.

Donovan tensed at the threat, already knowing how precariously Carter stood with the principal.

"And what will you do when I tell the principal who has been dealing steroids in the boys locker room?"

"You have no proof," Lucas said, but his words lacked confidence.

Carter stared at him, her eyes challenging. "Try me."

Before Lucas could respond the group, that had formed around them, split. Principal Withers, fighting back a look of severe anger, walked forward. Donovan instantly let go of Carter's arms. She rolled her shoulders. Principal Withers glanced between Lucas's face and Carter's scowl. He pointed to them.

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