Chapter 4 - "Owens, do you ever shut up?"

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I made minor changes to it.


Donovan surveyed the thundering cafeteria, looking for the face of his old friend. But among the mass of students, he wasn't able to spot Miguel Alvarez. After a whole morning, Donovan was still unsure how to deal with the situation. Beside him, Link adjusted his hands on his tray, bringing Donovan back to the present. Without saying a word they crossed to the back of the cafeteria and took the empty spot beside Carter. She didn't bother looking at them as they sat.

"Are you going to make a habit of this?" she asked, grimacing at something she saw.

"I don't know. We haven't decided yet," Link said. "Would you hate it, if we did?"

She didn't respond for a second, then shrugged. The hesitation told Donovan that companionship was not something she was used to but not something she was opposed to either.

"I probably wouldn't stop you."

Link smirked, at ease with someone who was so blunt.

"You're too friendly, I can see why the school loves you."

Carter looked at him, the edge of her mouth tugging upwards.

"What can I say, I was voted most approachable," she said, stealing a fry off of Link's plate.

Link laughed. Despite Donovan's reservation about Carter, he was happy that in only two days Link could find some form of comfort in the new school. A slender girl with chestnut curls walked up to their table. Carter gestured to her, the motion mocking.

"See, what did I tell you," she said.

The girl frowned at Carter as Link tried to contain his laughter. The girl turned her attention to Donovan. He met her gaze but held in check the slight tinge of annoyance that rose at her unwanted attention.

"Hi Donovan," she said, her voice bright. "Our table has room if you want to sit with us." She looked to Link. " you can come too."

At least the added invitation was proof that their tactic worked. Link was an afterthought and one that barely merited attention. Link raised his eyebrows and looked to Donovan, whose face revealed nothing.

"Thanks for the offer, but we're fine here," Donovan said.

The girl looked stunned and stood there for a long minute.

"I'll come," Carter said.

The comment nearly stole Donovan's composure away, but he held onto it. The girl glared at Carter before walking away.

"Well, that was a bit rude," Carter said. "I wonder why she didn't invite me as well? Another mystery for the ages, I guess."

"Yes, they will be working on that one forever," Link said.

She shrugged as if rejection was a common occurrence.

"Why didn't you say yes?" she asked.

Donovan gave her a blank look, puzzling why, though she didn't tell them not to sit with them, seemed fine if they left.

"You want us to leave?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? You would be surrounded by girls desperate to get your attention. It would be the most entertaining thing to watch. My prediction would be that the brunette would have ended up spilling something on your shirt. Then, apologize profusely while she would try to dry your shirt with her hand."

"Donovan, maybe you should go. I wouldn't mind watching that," Link said, a hint of glee in his voice.

Donovan merely looked at Link, not saying what he thought of the notion.

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