Chapter 9

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So the whole 'BEG' thing didn't exactly go as planned.

I was too weak from the hours of practice so he easily overcame my command. 

Immediately after he kicked me out of the house.. to sit... in the rain. 

He said that I need to remember my place and I'm not allowed back inside until I come up with a way to make it up to him. 

As if... 

After he got bored of watching me through the window, I simply stood up and went for a walk. 

Let's see how Mr. tough Demon he is once his clingy cuddly ass can't find me!

Is it petty and childish? ABSOLUTELY. 

But what kind of curse would I be if I just did what I was told. 

My pale pink kimono was drenched from the rain, almost making it see-through. 

I shook from the cold (stupid human side), masking my cursed energy as much as possible to avoid any trouble. I had been walking for a good two hours before finally coming across a small village.  

"Hey there!" I heard a cheery male voice shout off to my right. 

I turned to see a tall man walking towards me. He had black hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail. He had deep eye bags and a soft smile adorned his flawless, porcelain face. He had dark onyx eyes that held a constant torment behind them. 

As he approached me he pulled off his cloak, holding it above me as a shield from the rain.

"Are you alright? You really shouldn't be out in a storm like this. You're already soaked to the bone, you could get sick." His long bangs that framed his face clung to his skin as the rain poured down on him. 

"Thank you for your concern, but unfortunately I have little choice. I am fleeing my cruel husband and I have nowhere to go." I said forcing a blush onto my face. I put a little cursed energy behind my words, making my voice captivating. 

A light blush lit up his pale face as he stared at me dumbfounded. 

"Come home with me then. I can care for you until you have a destination." He waited with baited breathe for my response. 

I gave a coy nod and he smiled.

He put his cloak around me and pulled me into his side for warmth as we walked in the direction he came from.

"Might I know the name of my savior?" I asked smiling serenely. 

He will most definitely die once Sukuna finds me. But one way or another I WILL make Sukuna beg. And if instilling fear and loneliness in him is what I have to do, so be it. 

"Tooru. And you are?" 

"My name is Selene"

Sukuna is so gonna kick my ass.


It's been nearly two hours. 

That's what my precious Selene gets for forgetting her place. I may hold her in high favor but ordering ME to BEG!

I'm the king of f*cking curses!

I looked out the window once more only to see she wasn't there. 

My eyebrows pulled together as I searched my view for her figure. 

The Sun and The Moon (Sukuna X OC)Where stories live. Discover now