Valentines Day Special!

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Tsukiko had spent the entire day on edge. Dodging large crowds and trying to avoid the annual mortifying love confession from Yuji. 

Yuji has been Tsukiko's Valentine every year since they met. Unfortunately, Yuji is the biggest simp and all-around best boy, so each and every year he performs some over-the-top declaration of love.

In primary school, he once got every child in the school to memorize the song he wrote and sing it at her while throwing confetti hearts. 

The Lyrics of Yuji's Song:

Yuji loves his Tsukiko 

How much he loves her, he will show

In loving Tsuki he's a pro

Tsuki Tsuki she must know

There is nowhere he won't go

for his love, his Tsukiko

These lyrics were continually repeated for the remainder of the day, Yuji ended up getting in big trouble for all of the confetti and glitter.

Another year Yuji pulled the fire alarm so that everyone would go outside and see "Happy Valentine's day Tsuki-chan I love you" written in the sky... He once again got in big trouble for causing a disturbance. 

Each year his professions have gotten more daring and extreme, especially after they started dating. 

The anxiety of the inevitable was terrifying as she kept looking over her shoulder, awaiting the mariachi band or maybe the delivery of 10,000 roses. 

So far nothing..... this was a nightmare. 

Any second she could walk right into his trap. Now don't get it wrong Tsukiko loved Yuji, but if her loving boyfriend made her the center of attention one more time just so he could express his undying love for her she was gonna run away to America.

She had left her phone in her locker, afraid he might have bugged it. Is she being extreme and paranoid... yes. BUT IT'S EVERY YEAR!


Oh god.

He found her.

She contemplated making a run for it. But then she realized Yuji is legit superhuman and would find her in a few seconds flat. 

"Yuji whatever you've planned... don't."

He smiled brightly at her and grabbed her hand. He placed a playful kiss on her knuckles before pulling her along, "Common Tsuki-chan I have a surprise for you!" 

Her heart picked up... oh god. 

He took her up to the roof and covered her eyes, leading her the rest of the way. 

"Yuji-baka where are we going."

"Patience Tsuki-chan... and. we. are. HERE! Happy Valentine's day!"

He uncovered her eyes to show a picnic he had set up, he had spend all night perfecting the recipes, burning a few things in the process. 

Tsuki smiled at the thought and places a kiss on his smiling lips.

"I love you Yuji."

"I love you too Tsuki-chan" 

"...The teachers found out about what you were originally planning huh?"

"Ya, they said if I brought a pink elephant into school I'd be expelled."

Sukuna x Selene:

Sukuna was seething... 

Well in all reality he was pouting but the anger was there.

He glared at Selene as she sat reading a book, completely oblivious to the brat king's silent tantrum. 

Early that morning he had gone into town and one conversation with a human lead to his current state. 


"Happy Valentines day good sir! Would you like to buy a rose?" A kind sales women said holding up a rose from her basket.

"Happy what?"

"VALENTINES DAY! It's a day of love, you know if you don't get your special someone a rose it means you don't love them."

The king of Curses glared at his prize, a pouty scoul plastered on his face. Selene finally aknowlaged the firey stare that had been piercing the side of her head for a solid twenty minutes. 

A tired sigh fell from her lips as she saw Sukuna's expression.










"The human says if you do not buy roses on the Valentine day you do not love them... SO WHERE ARE MY ROSES." 

The witch was too stunned to speak. 

First of all she had never heard of Valentines Day before and secondly.... THAT'S WHAT HE'S POUTING ABOUT."

"So let me get this straight... you think I do not love you..."

He nodded

"As I have failed to buy you a flower on the day of Valentine..."

He nodded again

"And... you believe this? This idea that failure to produce a rose is hinting that I do not infact love you..."

He nodded once more.

"Very well, since you believe this is true... where the fuck is my rose?"

He froze his eyes widening 


"You don't love me then."

"W-Wait how is this my fault?!?!"

"It's obvious you do not love me as you have failed to purchase me the sacred rose of valentine..."

She tried to hide her smirk as he became flustered.

"Who said I loved you anyway!!!" He roared though to her it sounded more like a child whining. 

"You did... many times... in many positions."


"...I bet the ramen boy would have bought me a rose."

That did it. 

He stormed of only to return later covered in blood and holding a basket of roses.

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