Chapter 33

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I woke up feeling groggy. 

I laid on a plush bed in a room I didn't recognize. Where the hell am I?

Before the panic was able to fully enter my still sleeping brain the door to the room opened and in walked my boyfriend followed by the tall man with the blindfold. 

I don't even think he's blind... I think he's just a freak. (I'm sure my mom would LOVE him)

"Well good MOOORRNNIING." The fourth blind mouse sang at me. 

"Where the hell am I?" I growled as yuji made his way over to me. 

"Well, we are currently in the jujutsu high dorms... I believe you lived here once upon a dream, Selene-chan." Gojo said in a teasing tone. 


"Yuji make the crazy man go away...." 


Gojo laughed shaking his head. "Come on Inumaki-sama, I'll show you something on our way to the main hall." 

We began walking as Yuji took my hand in his. Gojo walked a little behind us as he started his 'story', a smile growing on his face as we walked. 

"So there is this story, it's pretty popular in the jujutsu world. Every clan tells their children the story of Princess Selene. Well you see, a long long time ago in the golden era of Jujutsu sorcery there was this princess. You see she was beautiful and powerful, so she was beloved in her land. One day an evil curse abducted the princess from her mother Queen Freya and forced her to marry him. The curse was a man with four arms and two faces, known as the King of Curses. He's the guy whose finger your boyfriend ate. 

After years of being trapped by her evil husband, Selene found a way to escape. She ran as far as she could until she met a man, Tooru Inumaki. He was the last of his clan after Sukuna killed them all. Well, it was love at first sight between the princess and the Inumaki. They were soulmates and wanted to get married. Well, one day while her lover was away, Sukuna found his lost wife and kidnapped her. 

Well, one day while her lover was away, Sukuna found his lost wife and kidnapped her. Inumaki was heartbroken when he found his love had been taken from him. So he called upon the big three clans to help save his Selene. 

The clan heads were moved by his love for the women and agreed to aid him. Together they killed the king of curses and saved the princess. After that, they were married. They had many children and lived happily ever after. 

Some say that their love was so strong that the lovers will be reborn. Reunited in their next life."

I scowled at the story, though Gojo couldn't see my face. It felt wrong. It was a beautiful story, but it felt off to me. Like the feeling, you get from watching Disney's retelling when you know the true Grimm brothers fairytales. It's pretty and nice... but wrong. 

One thought played on repeat in my head. The victors write the history books.

"I beg your f*cking pardon...WHAT KIND OF BULLSH-"  I heard the deep angry voice growl from next to me. I jumped looking at the extra mouth that had sprouted from Yuji's cheek. 

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