Chapter 24

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After school, I headed to the park. I have about four hours to kill before I'm allowed to go home. I made some friends today but mostly just kept to myself. I don't like too many people at once, today I was the center of attention which was basically my worst nightmare. 

I walked straight to the swings and looked at all of the kids around me. 

They played with their friends, their parents and here I was sitting alone. 

It hurt. 

I was so different from other kids. So alone. 

I hate loneliness. I always have. It's just so....


so cold. 

But that doesn't mean I like being around people either. I know it's confusing. I just feel... like something is missing. 

My mind drifted to the boy I met in class. 

Yuji Itadori

I don't know what it was about him that caught my attention. Maybe it was that smile... 

His smile was so bright. It was like the sun was shining on me. 

My train of thought was broken when my eyes caught sight of that unruly two-toned hair. 

"Yuji-chan?" I whispered under my breathe. I watched as Yuji laughed brightly at something the old man next to him said. He stopped laughing as he caught sight of me. 

A blush took over his face as his grandfather looked at him in amusement. "Tsuki-Chan!" Yuji called out smiling. That smile...

It was warm... but it hurt. Why did it hurt?

I gave a small smile back and waived. 

Yuji ran over to me and asked if I wanted to play with him. I hesitated... But then he smiled. 

"ya sure thing Yuji-chan." I tried to smile just as brightly. But it wasn't possible, no one could match his warmth. 

I spent an hour playing with Yuji. When I finally looked at the clock it was already six. 

"Well, I better start heading home. Thanks for today Yuji.... I had... fun" I almost cried. I didn't want to leave. I liked playing with Yuji. I don't wanna go back home. 

"Where's your parent's kiddo? Someone coming to pick you up? It's getting later." Yuji's grandpa asked looking around for an adult that might be here to get me. 

"Nope! I'll just walk home. It's not far, it's by Tanaka market." I said grabbing my stuff. 

Yuji's grandpa's eyes grew wide, "Sweetheart that's a thirty-minute walk from here."

I nodded and began walking. "HEY INUMAKI!" I turned once more towards the old man. 


"Yuji and I are heading to Tanaka Market anyways! Why don't we walk you home." 

I knew he was lying, he was a really bad liar. But it is getting dark and I don't feel like dealing with any trouble tonight so I just nodded and agreed. Yuji immediately cheered and ran up to hold my hand. 

That's how we walked. We laughed the whole way, Yuji never let go of my hand. 

I had fun with Yuji. I liked this feeling... this... happiness. 

I knocked on the door of my home, just to be sure I didn't interrupt anything as I walked in. It was already 6:45 so it should be fine. 

A few seconds later the door flung open. There in some random guys teeshirt stood my mother.

"Tsukiko!!! Oh good! I have to tell you about this guy! The things he could DO with his-" Mom was interrupted by Mr. Itadori clearing his throat... looking minorly horrified. 

"Um... Ms. Inumaki I presume?" Mr. Itadori said trying to sound polite. 

"Huh? Oh nahhh I'm Aiko Suzuki. I see you got my kid? What you a teacher or somethin? Did the brat cause ya some trouble? THAT'S MY GIRL! LOOK AT YOU BEING A BAD BITCH!" Mom screeched while squishing my cheeks. 

"No... miss ummmm Suzuki. Tsukiko is friends with my grandson, Yuji. We're just dropping her off... I hope that's alright."

"Ya no worries my boy toy left a few minutes ago she's fine to come home now." Mom pat my head. 

"Thank you for walking me home. That was very kind of you. I'll see you tomorrow Yuji!" I said bowing to Mr. Itadori than giving a hug to Yuji. 

"Hey um Tsukiko? Why don't we pick you up tomorrow so you and Yuji can walk to school together." Mr. Itadori kindly offered. I'm sure after meeting my mother he has a good sense of what's going on. I was happy though. 

He cared... Not a lot of people do that... care. 

"I would like that very much Mr. Itadori." I smiled

They kept their word. Every day, the Itadori's would pick me up and walk me home. Sometimes I even spent the night at Yuji's house when mom had a boyfriend over or some kind of party at the house. 

I was happy with the Itadoris. Yuji is my best friend. 

It's not as lonely anymore. Not as cold. 

I love it. 

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