Chapter 38

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Now finished buttoning up my jacket, smiling at the pouting King.

"Where are you going?" Sukuna whined trying to pull me back into his lap.

"I have to return before they see I'm gone."
"Why in hell would you go back? I have control of the brat's body now so let's just leave."

I felt a pain in my chest when I remembered him, Yuji Itadori, the body currently hosting the love of my life. I did love Yuji... do? did? I don't know. My feelings for him were real for many years of my reincarnated life. I am Tsukiko... I am Selene.

Tsukiko lives for Yuji... But do I? Does Selene?

Maybe I do still love Yuji. But Sukuna... he's always been mine.

I would do anything for him. I sold myself into hell with another man just for the slim chance I would see him again. I abandoned my sons because living without him indefinitely was far too much to bear.


"Sorry, I just was thinking... Anyway, they can't know I have my memories back, as far as they know I am the human's ally... I am one of them. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Besides, you aren't at full strength yet, and it is far easier to let the sorcerers do our work for us, while also avoiding being hunted. Consider me a spy. We are weak as of now, and they have numbers. I can slowly pick them apart from the inside out...I will not let our pride be our downfall a second time." I caressed his cheek as I spoke my strategy.

"... Very well. But stay near me at all times. I will trust your mind, my prize." He pulled me close.

"Oh, by the way, Selene... WHOM. the. fuck. is. Tooru. Inumaki?"

I froze.

Oh shit, here we go.

I looked into his eyes and could practically see the blazing fury in them. I sighed and began my story. I left no detail out. I informed him of every waking moment of my torture. He was quiet, patiently waiting for me to finish my story. "-and so I killed him and then myself..."

There was a moment of deafening silence. I a heart-wrenching moment that seemed to last a century. Then he spoke, "I should have finished off that f*cking clan... I thought it'd be funny to let the brat live in survivor's torment, AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED. I hope you forgive me my prize, but since I can't kill him I will be killing every Inumaki I find."


I kissed him once more lingering for a second before pulling away.

"I have to go..." I whispered sadly.

"I'll see you soon, my heart." He whispered back before I disappeared.

I reappeared back in the basement I was in before. I walked and looked at myself in the reflection of a shining shield that once belonged to my son Ryo.

I wonder how Ryo died... how any of my sons died. Were they happy? Did they live better after their father and I were gone?

I forced the marks on my face to recceed as I once again saw Tsukiko in my reflection.

Selene or Tsukiko?

Selene or Tsukiko?

Selene or Tsukiko?

Selene grew up alone, hunted, a monster. Selene hates humans because humans trick and lie and hurt. Selene is a goddess of death. A murderer of thousands. Mother to the great Inumaki clan. A witch who endured more pain than she could bear. She is manipulative, she is a great liar, she is ruthless. Selene killed herself.

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