Chapter 3

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Selene's POV

I opened my eyes to the bright light of the sun shining through the windows. Where am I?

Memories from the night before came flooding back. The fire. The Screams. Tobio. My Freedom..... Sukuna.

I attempted to sit up only to realize that two arms held me in place. My face flushed as I turned my head to gaze upon the sleeping face of the King of Curses.

We were both filthy from the night before. We were covered in dried dirt, blood, and ash. I looked around and realized I didn't recognize where I was. The room was cold but I wasn't affected. Sukuna's heat engulfed me as I decided what to do.

I willingly went with him last night. I don't really know why.

Something drew me to him. Maybe it was just the fact that I was too scared to be alone again. It was as if the strings of fate were dragging us toward each other. I once again turned to look at his sleeping face. He was very handsome up close. Other than the marks that littered him his skin was flawless.

His soft calm breathes fanned against my neck. He looked so innocent, so peaceful. His hair was slightly disheveled. I stopped myself from reaching to fix a strand that had fallen out of place.

What is it about you Sukuna that is so captivating? When I saw him for the first time my heart nearly stopped. Heat raced to my cheeks when our eyes met, though I think my blush was hidden by the darkness. Time seemed to stand still when he talked to me.

For some inexplicable reason, Freya's final words kept popping into my head, "Don't worry, my dear Selene... One day, you will find your equal... Your sun. And He or she will light up your world. And you will never be alone again. Just be strong until the dawn my lovely goddess. And you will be isolated no more."

Sukuna is it possible that he is my Sun.

"You know it's considered rude to stare little mouse." I heard Sukuna's raspy, morning voice taunt. My cheeks instantly heated up as I had been caught staring. I whispered a small apology. His eyes slowly opened to meet mine.

"You smell gross." He said as he dug his face deeper into my neck. My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He wasn't wrong but still.

"Let's bathe and then we need to have a talk." He commanded getting up from the bed. Wait did he say Let's as in together.

"Don't give me that face little mouse... I can't let you go by yourself. You might run! And I can't lose my newest prize!" He smirked walking to the bathhouse. "I am not your prize. I don't belong to you!" I growled. He stopped walking and turned to look at me. A smirk spread across his perfect features.

Suddenly He was directly in front of me. Two of his hands rested on my cheeks while the other two held my waist. He pulled me to him to the point no space was left between us. He softly lifted my chin so that I was looking at him. We were so close our noses were touching. "There is where your wrong Selene." I shivered at the way he said my name. "You are in fact Mine." He spoke with absolute sincerity. As if his word was law. I was his. The King has already decided.

He took a step back and grabbed my arm dragging me towards the bathhouse. His grip was firm, but it didn't hurt. It was not anger... just possession.

We got to the bathhouse and he finally released his vice grip on my arm. "Strip" he commanded. His voice so strong it nearly shook the ground. "Turn around" I demanded trying to hold onto some semblance of privacy. His eyes narrowed, "Now Selene... just because I'm being nice doesn't mean you can order me to do anything. I said strip and get in the bath. It wasn't a question." Venom dripped from his words. For some reason, I forgot one vital part of Sukuna.

He's a killer. A king. A demon.

Sukuna Watched as I slowly reached for the string holding my cover on. I let my hood and cape unfasten and placed it aside. His eyes followed my every move as I undid my dress and let it fall to the floor.

My face was on fire as his eyes ravaged my undergarments. He didn't move, he simply watched as I unlaced my corset and pulled off my underdress.

I stood there for a moment as he inspected every inch of my bare body. His eyes never left me as I lowered myself into the water.

I refused to make eye contact as I began to scrub myself clean. The water became murky with dirt and dried blood as I began to scrub. I heard fabric rustle and footsteps behind me. I felt the water shift as Sukuna lowered himself in directly behind me.

I felt one of his arms glide along my waist and wrapping around me. He pulled me back so that my bare back was against his chest.

He didn't utter a single word. He simply grabbed the soap from my hand and began scrubbing the dirt and muck off of me. He was delicate and soft, a stark contrast to his usual personality.

I scrubbed my hair and let Sukuna deal with the rest. For some odd reason, I was not uncomfortable. I felt protected. Cared for. What is wrong with me?

I turned around to face him. His eyes were soft as he took in my features. I reached up and began scrubbing his head. He flinched at the quick movement, thinking I was trying to hurt him. But when he realized my intentions he let his body relax.

His eyes fluttered closed as he basked in the feeling of my fingers softly massaging his scalp. Once I was done I pulled my hands back to wash the rest of him. But I was stopped. Sukuna had softly grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer. His head dipped so that his forehead was resting on my shoulder. He placed my hands back on his head. In a soft voice, he muttered, "Don't stop."

I smiled to myself. For a demon king, Sukuna seemed... almost touch starved.

"Ok" I whispered back, "I won't"

The Sun and The Moon (Sukuna X OC)Where stories live. Discover now