Sia wakes up

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Vansh was restless. He was passing back an forth in his room. He was waiting for Angre. He told him to investigate about Riddhima.

Boss. May I come in. Seeing Angre there he took a deep breath and signal him to come in.

V- What did you find tell me first. I am restless here.

Angre- Boss Riddhima bha..I mean Riddhima and Sidharth first met in an event of the orphanage. His father always helps needy people. He went there with him. Riddhima was 17 that time. Then 2 years ago they both got married in a private ceremony. I got this much only.

V-What the hell is this Angre. I told you to find out every details.

Angrey- Boss I tried. But everything is so private about them I couldn't gather much information.

V- You can go.

Angre left without a word. Vansh was confused. He couldn't understand anything. At that time Ahana came and sat on his lap.

A-Why are you so tensed?
She said in a seductive voice. She trailed wet kisses on his neck. Vansh didn't answer her back. He took her to the bed and started making out. He is frustrated
with all the chaos. Sex is the best option for him to take out his frustration. First time he got intimated with Ahana when he got to know Riddhima's betrayal. Since then he is sleeping with her. Their heated make out session get disturbed by a phone call. Vansh saw Angrey's name on the screen so he took it.

V- Yah Angrey.

Angrey- Boss Sia woke up. Come fast.

V- What? Sia woke up. Thank god finally.
Vansh got up and ran to her room as fast as he can. Reaching there he saw her baby sister all well after freaking 3years. He rubbed his moist eyes and hugged her.

V- Oh god Sia. I missed you so much. Vansh  said while tighten the hug.

Sia broke the hug. Her eyes roamed the whole room. She saw everyone crying in joy. But the person who she wanted the most right now is not there. She sensed something is not right. Fear engulfed her thinking the worst.

Sia-Where is bhabi?
She asked with a shaken voice.

Dadi- Why are you asking about the bad omen? After we get to know all the truth Vansh threw her out of the house. But she came back again 1 week ago. She is such a shameless girl. This time she had snached our business, house and every possession. Today she ruined our reputation also. She virals Ishani's some pictures.But you don't worry Vansh will show that Riddhima her right place again.
Dadi said everything what was happening, what they did with Riddhima for revenge.Sia was aghasted. She looked at Vansh who assured her through his eyes.

Vansh- And Siya met Ahana my wife. She is a very nice girl. You will surely love her.
Vansh said with a cheerfulness. Sia looked at her new so called bhabi who smiled at her warmly. But the evilness in her eyes didn't get unnoticed by her. Sia started laughing.

Ishani- Sia you are okay right? Why are you laughing?

Sia didn't bother to answer Ishani. She ignored her and looked at Aryan

Sia- Aryan bhai. Can you please call Riddhima. I really want to meet her.

Everyone is stunned with Sia's demand.

V- Why you want to meet her Sia? She will harm you.

Sia cut him in between.

Sia- Aryan bhai please.

Aryan nodded and headed to Riddhima's room.

Other hand Riddhima is busy giving head massage to Sidharth.

Sid- umm jaan you have magic in your fingers. It's so relaxing.

Ri- Tell me something new Mr.husband.

Riddhima was sitting on the bed. While Sid was settled down between her legs. He was tracing her legs with his fingers.

Sid- Ri you know there is a resort near our office.

Ri- Resort?? Where? I didn't see it.

Sid- Yah. It is a new one. I got know it from a client.

Ri- Okay so what about it?

Sid got up and sit on the bed beside her.

Sid- How about we go there for 2 days?
Sid asked being excited.

Riddhima-  Suddenly a resort?Why? Is it a mini honeymoon?

Sid- Actually we don't get much time for us now days. So I am thinking for a mini honeymoon.
He bit his lips and leaned to her for a kiss. But Riddhima put her plam in between. Sid whined.

R- First tell me the whole plan.

S- We will go there tomorrow for two days. We will gonna enjoy, eat and relax.

Riddhima was exhilarated. But she covered it with bored face. She wanted to annoy Sid a bit.

S- Tell me something. Wait? You don't want to spend time with me? Okay I understand you are not interested.

Sid's fallen face hurt her.She wanted to annoy him but here she ruined his happiness. She immediately hugged him .

R- No Sid I was just making those faces to annoy you. I am really excited. Let's make some new memory here.

Sid was contented. For a second he thought may be Riddhima is getting weak for Vansh again. He saw Riddhima's encounter with Vansh today. Their closeness effects him a lot. But now being in her arms he realised he and Riddhima are soulmates. No one can come between them. And if they dared to come in he will finish them. Riddhima is only his.No one can love her the way he do.  A sudden knock on their door make them break the hug.
Riddhima opened the door and saw Aryan there.

R- What are you doing here at this late night? She is confused seeing him there.

A- Sorry for the disturbance but it's really urgent.
Hearing Aryan's voice Sid also comes to the door.

Sid- What do you want? Tell fast and leave.

Sid know about Aryan's disgusting past behaviour. He want to kill him with his bare hands. But Riddhima told him how she noticed his changing nature. Only for his wife they are safe here or else the devil Sidharth Singh Rathore could burn them alive.

A- Sia is awake. She wants to see you.

Riddhima is happy and nervous as well. She looked at Sid. He interlocked thier hand and went towards Sia's room.


Now what will happen?🤔

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