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Bella's POV

Today there's a good little group of us that have a scheduled day off, so what have I arranged for us to do?

If you guessed swimming with sharks you'd be absolutely correct! However the guys don't know about it yet. Jesse, Maxi, Kerrbox, Corey, Azza and myself are all meeting at my Dad's place then off we go!

I strolled up to my Dad's house, noticing Corey waiting outside leaning against his car.

"Hey, hey!" I greeted him as we smiled at each other. "What you doing out here?"

"Uhmm..." He hesitated, looking back at my Dad's house. "I uh...."

He was interrupted by Stacey storming out of the house, slamming the door behind her and making her way towards me.

Yikes. It's only 5am.

"I was fine with your dad having a child Bella." She spat my name as she stood in front of me.


"But I didn't realise I'd have to fight for his attention or run every plan and decision past you first. Grow up!" She barged her shoulder into mine as she got into her car, slammed the door and sped off down the street.

"Oh..." I said, my eyes filling with tears.

What is with me recently and crying?!

I didn't dare look up at Corey, let him see my cry? Not a chance, she's right... grow up Bella.

"Bell's." Corey said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine." I smiled at the ground.

"Bell's look at me."

I looked up at Corey who immediately pulled me into his arms when he saw the tears in my eyes.

"She's right Cores, it's okay."

"She's not right Bella! What she said was bang out of order." He looked angry as he pulled away from me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey we've not even left Bondi yet and we already saw our first shark." I smirked at Corey who let out a hearty laugh at my joke. Looking behind him, I saw my Dad leaving his house.

"Don't tell him." I whispered. He gave me a disapproving look. "Please Corey."

"Hey Dad!" I put a smile on my face and waved at him.

"Oh hey guys, you been out here long?"

"Nah, just got here, right Cores?" I nudged him.

"Yep." He forced a smile and I could see my Dad sigh in relief just as Azza, Kerbox, Maxi and Jesse approached us.

"Ready to see some sharks Box?" I smirked at him, knowing he wasn't looking forward to this at all.

"You don't have to come you know mate." Azza chuckled but Maxi and Jesse protested insisting that Box must face up to his fears.

Corey, Azza, Jesse and I went in Corey's car while Maxi and Box went in my Dad's car with him. Hours later we arrived at Port Lincoln in South Australia where we set sail to see the man eaters.

"You alright Boxy?" I asked him after stepped onto the boat.

"Peachy." He mumbled, looking a little green as he stared at the mouth skeleton of a shark.

Damn that was a big boy.

Azza picked it up and put it over Box's head and the mouth nearly went over his broad shoulders. I saw Box shiver and quickly get himself out of the thing as we all laughed.

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