Summer Loving

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Bella's POV

"Bella." I heard a quiet voice say as I was lightly shaken awake.

"Hmm..." I mumbled not bothering to open my eyes.

"Come on, I'm taking you out for breakfast, I don't start work till 12." A voice I recognised to be my dad's said.

"But I'm tireeed." I whined.

"It's 10am, little lazy." He laughed as my eyes widened and I sat up.

This laziness must stop.

"I'll get you downstairs in half an hour." I smiled as he left my room giving me time to get ready.

After showering and getting dressed, I was about to go downstairs when I received a text.

To Bella
Hey princess, texting from the three of us. Remember to check your blood sugar levels throughout the day, you should do one now if you haven't already and don't be scared, remember yesterday. And take your tablets when you're feeling dizzy, text one of us if you need us x

Oh lord. Yesterday, Whippet, Reidy and Jesse wouldn't let me go home till they had seen me check my blood sugar myself because it's unlikely that one of them would be with me every time I need to check it. I eventually did it but it was not cool. Not cool at all.

To Jesse
Ughhh fine :'( thank you to the three of you for looking after me x x

Sending my reply, I grabbed the blood sugar metre and did what I had to and waited for it to beep.

4.1? Huh not bad! Probably all the sugar the guys shoved down my throat yesterday!!

"These are soooo good." I mumbled, shoving the Nutella covered pancakes into mouth.

Attractive I know!

"Slow down Bells, you'll give yourself diabetes." My dad laughed.



"Jesus, you alright?" He asked, about to stand up before I cut him off.

"Yeah, I'm fine.. just really hungry, I should probably slow down." I chuckled.

"Probably." My dad laughed. "Anyway, I have a bit of a surprise for you."

"Go on.." I grinned, intrigued.

"Well, I was thinking of letting you come back to work on Monday."

"Oh really? How generous of you." I scoffed while laughing.

"That's not all." He smiled. "Some of the guys seem to think I wrap you in cotton wool too much."

"NOOO!" I feigned a gasp with wide eyes.

"You're my little girl!" He defended. "Anyway, a few of the guys that are off today were going to take you out on a pub crawl-"

"And you said no." I pouted.

"At first yes I did." He sighed. "But you're 21 Bella and I was that age once, believe it or not..."

"Many moons ago."

"Oi cheeky!" He laughed. "But you can go.. I have told them to keep an eye on you though. I just don't want to lose you Bells. You turned my life around completely and I guess I'm more protective than the average dad for... reasons. But I trust you and I trust the guys."

Aww this can't have been easy for him.

Oh god here come the tears.

Seas The Day (Bondi Rescue)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ