Shellebration Time

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Bella's POV

"Come on you, you promised you'd speak to your dad today." Jesse shook me awake and I groaned.

"I don't feel well." I mumbled.

"I'm not falling for that one princess." He laughed.

"I'm serious Jesse, I feel weird."

Before I knew it, Jesse had raced out of my bedroom and returned seconds later with my bag.

"Give me your finger." He instructed sternly but his face was full of concern. Sighing, I held my finger out to him as he lined up the pen to take my blood.

"It's really low..." He muttered after he checked the sugar level. "I'll be right back."

Again, Jesse left the room and returned with a bottle of lucozade and some of my pills.

"Drink this and take these." He said, handing them to me. "I'm gonna make you something to eat."

Now, you're probably wondering why Jesse is in my apartment. Well... you see, he's kind of moved into the spare room. After the snake incident, almost a week ago, a few of the guys and I went out for drinks and my blood sugar levels dropped dramatically and I took a funny turn, apparently that's what happens when you forget to have food and then drink alcohol... So Jesse and Whippet thought it best if he moved in for a bit to keep an eye on me. Also, I haven't spoken to my Dad for the past week, I managed to avoid him in work somehow but I agreed to go see him today seeing as we both have the day off.

"Here we go." Jesse grinned, walking into my room carrying a tray with pancakes and Nutella.

"Wife me." I said, not taking my eyes off the food as Jesse's face lift up with a smile.

"If you're good." He winked, handing me the tray.

"I'm always good." I laughed. "Seriously though, thanks Jess, you're the best."

"DON'T TELL HIM THAT, HIS HEAD WILL GET EVEN BIGGER!" We heard a yell just as Maxi popped his head round the door.

"You two going to have a joint wedding with Hoppo?" Maxi smiled but the smile soon fell from his face when he saw the look Jesse gave him. "Shit, I'm sorry Bell's, I forgot you guys haven't spoken."

"It's alright Max." I laughed.

"You feeling any better?" Jesse asked after I had finished the pancakes.

"Tonnes!" I smiled. "So, I'm gonna get ready, I'll meet you two downstairs?"

"Sure thangggg!" Maxi shouted. "See ya chicka."

"Bye Bells."

I laughed as they both walked out my apartment. Oh yeah, Maxi and Jesse insisted on walking me to my Dad's house and then the three of us are off for a swim.

Third Person POV

As Bella was getting ready in her apartment upstairs, Maxi and Jesse waited outside the apartment building.

"So.. what's this I heard about you and Bella getting married?" Maxi wiggled his eyebrows, looking at Jesse.

"Oh shut up." He laughed, lightly shoving Maxi. "It was just a joke."

"You wish it wasn't."

"Wish what wasn't what?" Bella asked appearing behind the boys.

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