Doctor, Doctor

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Third Person POV

By now all the men down at the scene had tears in their eyes, Hoppo however had a few streaming down his face. Bella's eyes flickered.

"Hey hey! Her eyes moved! Bella come on open your eyes." Chappo said desperately.

"Bella, sweetheart, it's Whippet, can you give my hand a squeeze if you can hear me." He said.

"Or mine." Reidy tried but they felt nothing as Bella whimpered.

"It's okay Bella, we're here." Whippet assured her, gently rubbing his finger on the back of her hand.

"It's alright we've got ya." Reidy said.

Suddenly she started coughing, Jesse removed the oxygen mask and she tried to move her head.

"Bella? Bella? It's Jesse, can you hear me? You gotta stay still for me alright." He said. Slowly her eyes began to open "That's it, open your eyes princess."

She started trying to move.

"Wow wow wow." Was heard from all the boys as they tried to keep her still. Being rather claustrophobic, this was Bella's worst nightmare, suddenly being surrounded by 5 lifeguards around her middle and another 4 at her feet, including her Dad. Not to mention the sharp pain in her head. Her breathing increased again almost as if she was panicking.

"Come on guys, give her some space." Reidy ordered knowing less people around would help her relax. Within seconds Harries had got up and pulled Jesse away with him while Jake and Mouse moved further back.

Hoppo watched on feeling helpless, he knew Kerrbox was right about letting the other guys treat her as it would be too difficult for him to do, but he wanted to help his little girl.

"Bella, I need you to calm down darling alright? Just relax, you're safe." Reidy said smiling at her.

"Do you feel sick at all Bells?" Whippet asked. She tried to nod but felt something putting pressure on her head. Looking up she came face to face with Chappo.

Giving him a blank look she suddenly smiled a little as realisation hit her and she remembered what happened.

"Never a quiet day at Bondi ay?" She giggled.

"Unbelievable." Hoppo mumbled with his his hands on his head as the rest of the guys let out astonished chuckles.

"Bella, are you okay?" Jesse asked being the first to see how pale she had turned again.

"Roll her!" Reidy exclaimed quickly.

Hoppo, Jesse, Harries and Mouse helped roll Bella carefully. Usually it didn't take this many people but they couldn't be too careful, especially considering she had failed to squeeze Reidy and Whippet's hands.

Groaning in embarrassment, Bella threw up the water she had swallowed as Jake wiped her face with a towel. She looked up with apologetic eyes.

"Shh, it's alright." Jake said smiling at her reassuringly.

"That's it, get it all out." Whippet said rubbing her back. Soon the paramedics arrived and Bella was placed on the spinal board even though she said she didn't have a spinal injury.

Being put into the back of the ambulance she started to lose consciousness again and began to panic.

"It's alright Bells, Dad's here." Hoppo said jumping in and grabbing her hand before she passed out.

Jesse's POV

Back in the tower, Chappo, Jake, Reidy, Whippet, Harries and myself all looked like we were ready to burst into tears. Corey gave us all a small smile and told us we did a good job.

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