Like A Whirlpool

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Bella's POV

"Dad do I really need to go back to your place? I have my own apartment, you know." I complained as I got out of the car in front of his house.

"Yes, you do. I want to keep an eye on you, plus your phones in there." He said.

"You're so dramatic." I laughed at my overprotective father. All jokes aside, I am so grateful for him. He put his arm around me as we walked through the door.


"Oh my god!" I screamed getting the fright of my life. Looking around I saw a lot of my lifeguard friends.

"We're so glad you're okay." Reidy smiled giving me a tight hug.

"Yeah well I might not be now, you guys almost gave me a heart attack!" I laughed.

Then I saw the effort they had made for me coming back. There was a poster being held up by Maxi and Harrison that said 'We love you Bells', plates of my favourite foods on the tables and cakes and biscuits scattered around surrounded by my favourite people.

"You guys." I smiled tearing up. "I was only gone for a day." I giggled through my watery eyes.

"I love you all." I said as I was pulled into a big group hug.

"You definitely gave us a good scare." Azza said rubbing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I grinned sheepishly.

Chappo walked up to me with with red blotchy eyes which hurt my heart to be honest, I'd never seen him upset like this.

"Bella I am so so sorry." He said, his voice breaking.

"Chappo no! This wasn't your fault okay? Come here!" I said pulling him into a hug.

"You scared me." He mumbled into my hair while holding me.

"Hey, it's gonna take more than a bump on the head to get rid of me." I laughed as we walked out into the garden where most people now were. Suddenly a wave of dizziness came over me and I stopped.

"Bella? Are you okay?" Chappo asked concerned, his eyes wide.

"Yeah!" I smiled. "I'm just glad to be out of that hospital room."

I looked around the garden, smiling at my family. These guys were my home.

"You really scared us all Bells." Jesse said pulling me into yet another bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry." I smiled. "And I'm sorry I missed our surf today."

"Oh shut up." Jesse said rubbing my back. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah, it was horrible to see you like that." Maxi sighed giving me a hug as well.

"Wimps." I giggled as they scowled at me.

"Seriously though, I'm all good now. Thank you guys for helping me." I smiled taking a seat next to Whippet.

"And how are you really feeling?" He asked quietly.

"What? Fine." I replied quickly.

"Bella.." he warned.

"Alright! I have a headache and feel a bit dizzy but it's fine."

How did he know something was up?

"Did you tell any of the doctors this?" He gave me a concerned look. I stayed silent and looked at my dad and Box fiddling with the barbecue.

"So any more shark sightings?" I joked completely ignoring him.

"Bella, stop! This is serious." He scolded as I sighed.

"I'm fine. Drop it.. please." I begged.

"Alright." He said gently seeing I was upset. "I'm keeping an eye on you though." I chuckled resting my head on his shoulder.

Mouse walked over and handed us a beer each, sitting down on my other side.

"Your dad said you're off work for the rest of the week." He said causing me to choke. Whippet and Mouse patted my back.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I complained loudly. "It's only Monday! I bump my head and he acts like I'm a glass doll."

"You have concussion Bells. You can hardly blame him." Mouse smiled.

"You didn't see what you were like, really gave us quite a fright." Deano said walking over.

"But I'll be bored." I moped.

"Don't worry, one of the guys will be with you at all times." Whippet said.


"We knew you'd be annoyed, so one of us will be hanging out with you, depending on who's not working." Mouse laughed.

"Oh god." I smiled.

Later on after my Dad wouldn't drop the idea of me not being in work for the rest of the week I finally gave in. A few of the guys had to leave as they were working early which left me, Dad, Box, Reidy, Whippet, Maxi, Jesse and Chappo. We were all crowded round the tv watching some documentary on sharks.

"I'd love to go down under and have a swim with them." I smiled at the beautiful creatures on the screen. The guys stared at me in shock while my Dad laughed.

"They're misunderstood!" I defended.

"How hard did you hit you hit your head kiddo?" Box laughed as the others joined the laughing.

"Very funny." I chuckled getting up to grab a glass of water. When I got to the kitchen another sudden wave of dizziness hit me, I had to grab on to the counter and almost hit the ground before a pair of arms caught me.

Please don't be Dad! Please don't be Dad!

"Shit, Bella!"

Looking up I saw the concerned face of Whippet.

"I'm good." I mumbled before drinking some water.

"You're not good Bells." He sighed.

I looked at him and saw how genuinely worried he was about me.

"Will you come with me?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.


"Back to the hospital." I mumbled looking at the ground. "Next time you're off work."

"Of course I will." He said pulling me into a hug. We stayed like this for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I'm off on Thursday but I can try and swap shifts with-"

"Thursday's fine Whippet." I smiled before walking back out to the living room.

"Hey I uh think I'm going to head back to mine, I'm getting tired." I said to the guys.

"You're staying here Bells." My Dad smiled.

"Of course I am." I laughed expecting nothing less from my Dad. "But I have no clothes."

Jesse handed me my hold-all bag that I thought was in my apartment..

"Me and Maxi packed you some stuff." He smiled as Maxi winked at me, I chuckled and thanked them.

"Night guys." I said while hugging each of them and heading up to my old bedroom.


hey guys! thank you so much for the reads and votes! please let me know what you all think ❤️

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