Chapter 9

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---------- Chapter 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Extract from Haden’s journal. Entry number 612)

Jess left, and suddenly the need to cover everything is gone. The pretences immediately slipped. And in that moment of clarity, realisation struck.

I’ve come to realise that what I am subjecting Jess to is purely idiotic. What’s worse though is that I’ve come to believe that I’ve become dependent on the pretences.

I’ve been trying to pretend to be what I am not for far too long; it’s almost as if I’ve come to need to pretend I’m the person Jess thinks I am.

This ruse should have ended long ago. My purpose was clear; befriend Jess’ brother and convince him to face his destiny. But when push came to shove, I messed up. Now I can’t even show my face back home without fear of being hunted myself. It’s ironic that I have to worry about being harmed by the people who pledged to serve me.


               “Weird! It’s been a week! Why are you always alone nowadays? Every time I think of joining you, I expect one of your brothers to suddenly appear out of nowhere, like they do, to accompany you,” Reid murmurs as he plonks down on the empty seat beside me.

I just give him a vague smile and pretend to be listening to Mr Rodger’s lecture.

“You know what’s even weirder? You arrive in school alone. I watch you walk all the way from the bus stop. You never used to do that before. But it sure seems like for the past week, things have changed for you. Is everything alright back at home, Jess?” he continues, apparently perfectly fine with me not answering.

               “We shouldn’t talk. Mr Rodger hates it when people talk during his class,” I remind him quietly.

               “Jess? Are you alright? You look kind of odd,” Reid continues, ignoring what I had just said.

               “I’m fine okay?! Just drop it!” I hiss silently.

I know. My outburst was totally uncalled for. Reid was just trying to be a good friend and I was acting like a spoilt child. But the thing is I don’t want to talk about the boys.

I know I may sound like a total Bella Swan wannabe, but I’m starting to lose my grip on everything. It’s almost as if the guys have disappeared. Haden’s car hasn’t been in the parking lot for the past week, and it really isn’t like the guys to skip school. The few pictures I had of the boys and I together are gone. I’m sure I brought at least one with me. And to top it all off, all three of their numbers and contact details on my phone has been deleted.

Am I crazy? I couldn’t have imagined them, could I? But why is it I don’t have any concrete evidence anymore? I’m scared...

               “Jess, your arm is bruised...what’s going on? I’m just worried about you,” Reid tries again, laying his hand lightly on my arm. It shocks me so much, I jump up and knock my books off the table. Everyone in the class turns to stare at me.

               “Is something the matter back there?” Mr Rodger asks, scrutinising me.

I shake my head mutely, sitting back down on my chair. To my intense surprise Reid walks up to Mr Rodger and begins murmuring something quietly to him. Mr Rodger nods his head sombrely and hands Reid a hall pass.

               “You’re excused, Miss Aubry. Follow Mr Harrigan out. The rest of you, eyes up front,” Mr Rodger orders, turning back to the white board.

I get up and follow Reid out the door and down the long corridor. He abruptly stops, and grabs my shoulders. “Tell me what’s going on,” he instructs, his tone serious.

               “Nothing’s going on, Reid. I’m just tired,” I lie easily.

               “You’re tired? You used to be the happy-go-lucky girl everyone wanted to know, but didn’t dare approach because of your older brothers. Now you’re like a zombie. And speaking of your brothers, where are they?” Reid demands.

               “I don’t know where the boys are. And I’m zombie like because I’m tired,” I whisper. Keep it together Jess!

               “Why is your arm bruised? Are your brothers hurting you?” Reid snarls.

               “No,” I answer. And it’s the truth. The boys didn’t do this to me.

Reid assesses me evenly for a few moments before taking my hand gently and leading me further down the corridor and up a flight of stairs. He whirls to face me, and studies my face carefully. He brushes a strand of my dark hair out of my face and his hand snakes down my waist.

With his free hand, Reid tilts my chin up. Our eyes lock and my stomach clenches in anticipation. He lowers his head slowly, blocking out everything else from my line of sight. His hand on my waist is lifting my shirt up slowly, and where his hand touches my bare skin makes me shudder.

Before I know what’s going on, Reid has my shirt lifted up, and he’s examining my collection of bruises carefully. With a dull shame, I realise he was distracting me to check whether I was bruised anywhere else.

               “Jess, you’re all bruised up. Who did this to you,” he asks softly as he gently traces the bruises with his fingers.

               “It’s nothing Reid. I’m alright,” I answer him quietly, pulling my shirt back down.

               “No, you aren’t. You’ve been hit. Your brother...your guardian should do something! Who’s hitting you?! Is it one of the other guys? Let me help you, Jess,” Reid pleads, pulling me into an unexpected hug.

               “It’s nothing, alright? Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” I assure him. I reach up on my tip toes and gently kiss his cheek. He’s been nothing but good to me, but I am not going to involve him in my complicated issues, especially now when I don’t know what’s going on.


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