Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey people! I'm trying out for the Watty Awards this year. So check out this new story and tell me what you think, alright?


------------ Chapter 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The funny thing about people is how they tend to fixate on the bad. I mean, no matter how good they have it, they just can’t seem but to harp on the bad. Elaborations? Gladly. Close your eyes and think back to all the horrible memories you’ve ever had, all the heart aches, tears spilling down your cheeks. Okay? Done? Now think about all the happy memories, the carefree time spent smiling and laughing with your mates.

Chances are, you either have more bad memories than good or you can recall the bad memories more vivdly, right?

How interesting our minds are, no?



The scene around me was picturesque; grounds covered by a gentle layer of white snow, making everything look pristine; the soft silhouette of the mountain. The wind blew my long black locks, chilling me.

I pulled my coat on tighter. Sometimes I really feel like kicking myself! I mean who goes out on a winter’s day with a thin coat and no head covering?

As if on cue, a rush of dark clouds obscured the perfectly blue sky. And my scenic, pristine surroundings transformed in a matter of seconds into a creepy, demonic looking area.

By this time, I knew it was my same nightmare, again. I’ve had this nightmare so often, the fear has left. I go through the motions, just like I did that faithful day five years ago. But I do so more out of habit than curiosity. After all, you know what’s waiting for you, I think viciously to myself.

I walk slowly up to the window of the house, my house. I take my time, take in my surroundings, after all I have all the time in the world. I know what I’ll see; the splattered blood, the strange hooded figure, my parents lying senseless on the ground, my older brother’s face set in horror. And then all of a sudden, a hand will bang onto the window, leaving a bloody trail as it slides down.

Understandably enough, it used to scare me so much! But now, I stand there, watching it emotionlessly. Hmm, I wonder what this says about my mental health. I mean, watching the scene of your entire family’s death should evoke some kind of emotion, right?

But no. It’s just the same old nightmare; the same memory of the day my family was savagely butchered.


               “Jessy! It’s time for school!” Emily calls, shaking my shoulders gently.        

I sit up immediately. Though that nightmare doesn’t scare me anymore, it always leaves me drained. Emily takes one look at me and pulls me into a warm hug.

Em is my au pair and in her late twenties. Why a seventeen year old would need an au pair though, is completely over me! You’ll have to question my overbearing, overprotective guardian, Haden.

               “How about I talk to Lord Haden? Maybe you should skip school for the day, sweetheart,” Emily suggests kindly, smoothening my messy black locks.

Sugar, Spice and a pinch of FantasyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin