Chapter 47

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A/N: Sorry it took so long for an update. I had to fly off with barely any notice last week. I uploaded just before I got on the plane though and ended up forgetting to bring my toothbrush with me! But that's beside the point. I didn't have my laptop with me while I was on holiday, so I haven't been able to write for the past week.

But instead of unpacking and resting, i wrote you guys this chapter. So depsite nothing much happening, I hope you guys like it!


---------- Chapter 47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Haden’s POV)

The drive to Carter’s apartment seemed to take eons. In actuality it took a measly 10 minutes thanks to the breakneck speed Matt’s been driving at. But 10 minutes have never felt longer in my life!

The moment the car slows down enough for me to jump out of, I do. Earning some odd looks from passersby. I barely even register my surroundings before I’m bolting up the stairs to Carter’s apartment.

I had never been to Carter’s apartment previously, but thanks to a couple of my friends who frequently drop by his place for assignment place, I know exactly where it’s located.

I throw open the door to the apartment and my eyes scan the scene before me. I know Carter. He’s the sort who is meticulously well organised, always playing the part of a meticulous perfectionist. But none of this translates into his apartment. It’s messy and disorganised, completely un-Carter like.

It’s barely a moment before Alex and Matt catch up to me, panting slightly, but still glancing around alertly.

Broken bottles scatter the floor, a dark brown liquid has stained what must have once been a pristine white, Persian carpet. His coffee table is overturned and his TV is still running.

               “Something is definitely wrong here,” Matt murmurs unnecessarily.

He’s right of course. Everything seems to suggest that either Carter had to flee with barely any notice or something’s happened to him. I find the former had to believe seeing as Carter isn’t the sort to just run away. And despite us having a less than civil relationship, I dread that any harm has come to him.

I hate his guts and all, but I’m his cousin. I should be the only one allowed to hurt him, not some psycho who now has Jess as well.

               “We should check for Carter. I doubt we’ll find him here, but we should still check,” I instruct calmly.

Matt and Alex nod their heads and split up, scoping out the rest of the apartment. The living rooms seems key to me. It’s the most obvious place. And if this is supposed to be a hint for me, it must be here. I studiously assess every minute details from the crumbs on the couch to the worn out floorboards right by the window.

I think I can pretty much envision what happened here. Carter would have been sitting on his couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, a glass of whiskey in his hands. The TV would have been running and all of a sudden, the bell would have rung. He would have gotten up to answer the door, leaving slightly muddy footsteps matching my vision.

Realising too late that he’s in trouble, Carter would have dropped the glass of whiskey which matches the stain of brown liquid by the door. A small fight would have broken out where the table got thrown aside only to fall upside down on the floor, breaking the bottles on it.

But that’s all I can make out. What transpired after the conflict is completely over my head. Carter could just as easily be in his room or dead and dumped in some ditch somewhere.

Sugar, Spice and a pinch of FantasyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora