Chapter 33

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---------- Chapter 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               “Morning sunshine!” Emily sings as she throws my door open. She stops dead the moment she sees me though. “Honey...what’s wrong?”

My eyes are red and puffy and haven’t been able to sleep a wink all night.

I merely shake my head weakly, the tears continuously streaming down my face.

               “Haden! Matt! Alex!” Emily hollers, running out of the room.

Within moments the four of them rush into my room.

               “Jessy? What happened?” Alex demands, sitting down beside me. He gently strokes my back and I lean against him, crying openly on him.

               “Jess...this isn’t about the mall incident, is it?” Haden asks, guilt in his voice. “Because if it is, it’s in the past. It’s been five days, Jess. I forgave you a long, long time ago”

               “It’s....not...that!” I wail.

               “Is it because you don’t have a date for Formals tomorrow?” Matt ventures, throwing a quick look at Haden.

               “No. Just hug me a little longer please,” I whisper between sobs.

               “Of course,” Alex coos, rocking me back and forth.

               “I think she’s having a nervous breakdown,” Matt whispers to Haden.

               “Maybe? What do we do? Should we call a doctor?” Haden shoots back, biting his bottom lip in agitation.

               “I’m...okay...just...girl problems,” I manage to choke out. Immediately the guys shut up, uncomfortable and completely in out of their depths.

               “Okay boys, how about you leave the two of us alone? You guys can go get ready for school,” Emily suggests.

The guys quickly assent and within moments, my door is closed so Em and I are alone.

               “Okay hon, what’s wrong? Is it boy trouble?” Emily asks, sitting down next to me and wrapping her arms around me.

               “Em, I made a huge mistake!” I wail.

               “It’s alright. Making mistakes are part of life, hon! The important thing now is to make the best of the situation, right?” she consoles, rubbing my back.

               “But it’s really bad! So bad that...I think the boys will kick me out!” I confess softly.             

               “Honey, those boys love you. Nothing you can do would ever make them react that way! Trust me! Besides, you really think I will let them? I’m Haden’s nanny remember?” she jokes, trying to lighten my mood.

But at her feeble attempt of a joke, I only begin crying harder.

               “Jessica! Enough is enough. Stop crying! It’s not going to make any difference. Tell me what happened and I’ll help you through it,” Emily encourages strictly.

I nod my head and take a couple of long, deep breaths to steady myself. “Remember that day that I stayed over at my friend’s house?” I ask tentatively.

Sugar, Spice and a pinch of Fantasyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن