The Sequel!

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I know you guys must be fed up of me by now, but hey, I'm already working on the sequel! I've actually already finished writing the prologue and I kinda want to post it up already. But first, there's a few stuff I need help with.

I've got these two amazing suggestions about the new name for the book, and I'm completely psyched about them. So I'm going to put both here and you guys can choose.

( 4 ) Snake, Snails and a Drop of Reality

( 25 ) Love, Lies and a Pinch of the Past

Awesome, eh?!

As you guys probably already know, Jessica's new name is Skylar. I'm keeping the boys' names. I'm also not going to spend much time on her childhood years. I'll be jumping right into her teenage years.

Okay, umm, I need Skye's last name.

( 4 ) Bailey

( 17 ) Callahan

( 9 ) King

I've also decided that Haden's going to be a student. It'll be easier to write for me. But, if you guys want, I can make either Matt or Alex a teacher. So tell me:

( 17 ) Matt

( 6 ) Alex

( 9 ) Neither

Skye's personality is going to change too. I think I've had enough with her being so naive. That's just a head's up though. So don't be too shocked, kay? :)

Erm...okay...I think that's all! And the faster you guys help me choose the name of the sequel, the faster I'll start uploading! ;)


Sugar, Spice and a pinch of FantasyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora