Chapter 10

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---------- Chapter 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Haden’s POV)


How would you greet it?

Would you be angry? Would you fight it? If you do, what would you do when you realise you just cannot win?

Would you be sad? Would you shed a tear? What if it didn’t change things?

Would you be relieved? Was your life really so bleak?

Would you be emotionless? How could any normal person stare into the jaws of death and be emotionless?

Would you be accepting? Have you truly come to realise that death is the only certainty in life, or are you merely playing a role?

               “Haden? Am I disturbing?” Alex asks, walking into my study.

               “No, not at all,” I answer him quietly. Nothing is the matter. I’m merely contemplating the many different ways people face death.

               “Alright then, I actually came to pass you a file,” Alex explains, sinking into the plush armchair opposite my large mahogany desk.

               “What’s the name?” I ask him emotionlessly.

               “Moira’s a little different this time. She’s a sophomore,” Alex breathes, his eyes scrutinising my face, waiting for my reaction.

               “A child? You’re right, it is different this time. I suppose father doesn’t think I’m of the right mind to give me my usual list,” I mumble distractedly. A child? Nothing she could have done would possibly justify sending me to her.

               “It’s not that. She isn’t part of your list. She was supposed to be on Dominique’s,” Matt’s voice drifts towards me. He glides towards me, unnaturally graceful.

               “Dominique’s list? But he died five years ago. For her to have been part of his list...she’s been living on borrowed time then,” I murmur, pacing up and down. This can’t be. Father would have seen to this minor hiccup. He would never have made such a gross oversight.

               “Yes, and I think that’s why she’s your assignment,” Matt continues, an ominous file in his hands.

               “No. She was an oversight. We have people to cover oversights. For me to be assigned to her...there’s no way she could have done anything to deserve that,” I clarify. I’m under no illusion. I know the effect I have on people, on the condemned.

               “Don’t be so sure, Haden. I have her file. She may only be a sophomore, but something far more...disturbing seems to be brimming under the surface. Call it superstition or whatever, but there’s something not quite right with that girl,” Alex cautions, leaning forward in his seat.

               “What do you mean? How can something seem wrong when you haven’t even met the girl?” I demand, frustrated.

               “Things don’t add up. You honestly think your father made a mistake? That’s nearly impossible, unheard of actually. He’s sending you for a reason. And even though he’s sending you, he sent me a warning to pass on. He wants you to proceed with caution. Explain to me why your father would have any cause to worry unless there’s more to this than we’ve been told?” Alex asks, his voice rich with concern.

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