Chapter 15

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---------- Chapter 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               “Coffee?” Matt asks, smoothening my hair as he walks past.

I shake my head in response and resume staring blankly at the television.

Last night, the guys refused to answer my questions or to tell me what had happened to Haden. They insisted that I get a good night’s sleep. I was dead tired, and decided to obey them without arguing. The only thing was that I couldn’t fall asleep. So I basically tossed and turned all night long. And now, here I am, sitting on the couch, basically brain dead.

Matt returns to the living room a couple of minutes later, holding a steaming mug of coffee. He plonks himself down on the couch beside me, and I lean my head against his shoulder.

               “You look like you had one hell of a night, Jess. Couldn’t sleep?” he asks, softly.

               “Yeah,” I murmur, passing him the remote. I shut my eyes tightly, only now feeling it safe enough for me to sleep.

But, thanks to my luck, I wouldn’t be getting any sleep. Just as I had drifted off into blissful unconsciousness, Alex comes down, shouting at someone on the phone.

               “I don’t give a damn about your excuses! You have two hours to get it done!” he shouts before sliding his phone shut.

               “Morning Jess, Matt,” he greets sourly. “Jess, you look horrible. Can I fix you a drink?” he offers.

               “No, thanks,” I mumble, once again leaning my head on Matt’s shoulder.

Alex shrugs and heads to the kitchen. This time, I keep my eyes open, not feeling like going to sleep just yet. Matt’s got the news on real low, but he watches it intently anyway.

A couple of minutes pass and Alex walks through the living room and up the stairs carrying two mugs. He must be giving one to Haden. But that would mean Haden isn’t up to coming downstairs.

               “Matt, what happened to Haden?” I venture softly.

               “He got hurt, Jess,” Matt answers distractedly.

               “I know that. But what exactly happened?” I try again.

               “That’s something you have to ask him, sweetie,” Matt clarifies, going back to his news.

I let out a sigh and get up off the couch unsteadily. Ask myself, huh? Fine! I start up the stairs, my body aching and head spinning. I feel like curling up into a ball and rock myself to sleep, but I’m scared this is a dream and that when I really wake up, the guys will be gone.

               “Where you going?” Matt asks from the couch.

               “To ask Haden what happened,” I answer softly.

               “Right. If he’s asleep, don’t wake him, alright?” Matt calls, his news getting louder.

I nod my head, knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to see me. But Matt seemed to distracted to actually wait for me to answer, so all’s well. I climb up the stairs slowly and finally make it up to Haden’s room. I knock the door gingerly and wait a moment for a response.

               “Come in,” Alex calls, shocking me a little.

Nonetheless, I push the door open and walk into the room. The curtains are drawn but the overhead light is on. Haden’s lying down on his bed, having his drink as Emily is cleaning up his wounds.

Sugar, Spice and a pinch of FantasyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat