Chapter 13

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---------- Chapter 13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Haden’s POV)

               “How did you get so messed up man? Why didn’t you just apparate here?” Alex asks, kneeling by my side.

I could detect regret and guilt in his voice. He must be blaming himself. I wish he and Matt would not worry about me so much. Though, with an act like this one, I can see why they do.

               “I was stupid,” I mumble almost inaudibly. I can’t believe I was so blind!

               “No, don’t blame yourself, Haden! We should have been there for you,” Matt murmurs, his hand resting on my shoulder.

               “I wouldn’t have allowed you to come,” I clear up quickly. The two of them must realise by now I wouldn’t ever consent to them being present at any one of my assignments.

               “What happened?” Alex repeats, his face and voice earnest. It’s obvious the guilt is eating at him.


(Flashback- picks up from Chapter 10)

“I know a lot more than I should. I know all about Dominique and his tragic death. I assumed it was just his time, his whole family’s you can imagine my surprise when I found out his younger sister, Jessica, lived. I don’t seems to me to be a little more than a coincidence though, wouldn’t you agree Haden?”

She knows my name?

               “Don’t look so shocked. I’m obsessed over Dominique. You could hardly expect me not to acquaint myself with every angle of his death, could you? It’s so ironic that five years down the road, you would be sent to finish his job,” Moira teases, a wide smile on her face.

               “It isn’t all that ironic. You’ve lived on borrowed time for the past five years...which begs the question; how?” I demand, steeling myself. I had to stop looking at her as a mere child.

               “Here’s something I bet you didn’t know, young one. Death can be cheated, rather simply. All your father cares about is that one person is delivered to his doorstep when one name is on the list. He doesn’t care whether person sent to him and the person on the list match up, does he? So I...delivered someone over to him,” she whispers, her eyes haunting me.

               “What are you saying? You killed someone? Fine, but there’s no way you would have survived for five years,” I retort. She may think she knows a lot, but I know my fair share. I’ve been doing this before she was even thought of.

               “You know Haden, for the son of Death himself you are rather dense, aren’t you? Did you even read my file? Are you so arrogant that you wouldn’t heed your own father’s advice? Didn’t you wonder why he was sending you, his most precious reaper, after an insignificant little girl?” Moira questions. With each question she takes a step closer, and the putrid smell gets stronger.

               “I haven’t the time for this, child. You know why I’m here. You know what I need to do. If you accept it, everything will go down smoothly,” I mutter, faking my best bored tone.

               “Such a tense young man,” she purrs into my ear, running her filthy hands down my jacket. “You know, I like you, perhaps even more than Dominique,” she mumbles.

I step back, disengaging myself from her.

               “I was 16 when I was on Dominique’s list. I haven’t aged a day in five years. You would know all of this if you had only read my file. I killed an enmortal like you, Haden. That’s why I’ve been left alone for the past five years. Such a pretty young boy he was too. Your younger brother, if I’m not mistaken. But it’s fair, is it not? You were the one who sentenced Dominique to his death, no? You took my love, and I took your brother. But you were not affected. It was only a year later I learnt that you had no brother. It was your father’s stupid ruse. And I fell for it. You can imagine how stupid I felt! And then I got to thinking. You took the man I loved, would it not be fair for me to take the girl you loved? What enchanting coincidence the girl you pine over is the younger sister of my love. We could have been in-laws, Haden!” Moira giggles insanely.

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