(8) The Unwanted Party Invite

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A/n: When I tell you I'm not done the 3k special yet-

Readers if you could chill-

Marinette pov:

I was woken up by my alarm blaring loudly in my ears, when I registered what had happened. I jolted out of bed, as I walled down the stairs I had in my room, I looked for a present I had gotten for a classmate of mine.

When I found it, it was wrapped in blue wrapping paper and a pink polkadot ribbon.

"Who's that for?" Tikki asked me, still sleepy.

"It's for Adrien, I hope he likes it.. I put work into this." I answered as I looked at the box infront of me.

"Why'd you make it for him?"

"Because it's his birthday..?" I slowly looked up to see Tikki's blanc stare.

I sighed, "Alright, fine.. I want (Y/n) to like me, or atleast appreciate my existence.. And to do that, I'll have to be 'nice' to the people she's friends with.." I answered, guiltly looking at the floor.

I heard Tikki sigh, "You really are in love.. aren't you?" She smiled lightly as she looked at me.

I hid my face in my arms, that just so happened to be on top of my keyboard.. It turned on my computer and opened to my home screen... Which was filled with pictures, of
(Y/n)... I could just hear Tikki laughing at me

I walked down the stairs to see my mom drinking her usual tea. I carried the present in my arms, just so I knew where it was.

"Marinette, don't forget to clean your room after school today." My mom said softly as she turned to me.

"Mom, it's Friday! And I'm already doing something with Alya.." I complained.

"Fine, I'll go ahead and clean it. But don't blame me if I come across your private stuff. Like your emails, your diary, your-"

I quickly cut my mom off before she could get to personal, "Okay! I'll do it, I'll do it." I hurriedly said.

I went up to her and kissed her on the cheek as a sign of goodbye,"Have a nice day sweetie!" My mother said to me.

"Have a nice day as well mom!" I yelled out to her as I walked out the door.

I closed the door and walked to school. I made sure to be early this time, since I wanted to make sure
(Y/n) would see me give the present.

I hid behind the railings of the stairs to the entrance, I stayed there with Alya by my side. We watched as Adrien and Nino talked on the stairs.

"Dude, seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? Ya think he'd atleast remember what it was like to be young, and want to party a little..?" I heard Nino say, as he blew some bubbles out of his bubble wand.

"No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too. Well, atleast I tried.." Adrien looked down sadly.

"C'mon dude, it's your birthday! Lighten up a bit." Nino tried to cheer him up.

Alya and I ducked down behind the railings, "You can do it, you can do it!" Alya cheered me on.

"I can do it, I can do it!" I copied what she said to help myself.

I stood up, I walked three steps in their direction before stopping completely. There she was, it was
(Y/n).. OH MY GOSH

I dived back behind the railings, before she saw me, "I can't do it, I can't do it!.." I crouched in the fetal position.

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