(13) Just who 𝒊𝒔 Player one?

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A/n: Anyone wanna read a lyric prank chapter? -Already out-

Third person pov

As everyone was seated in their assigned seats, Alya was holding a picture of Player one in her hands. She had just cut out the face of the hero, and started seeing how people would look like with Player one's hero suit.

That was, until she was caught by Miss Bustier. Alya quickly put back the picture in her notebook, hoping not to be in trouble.

Miss Bustier ignored it to pay attention to the bags, that have been left by both (Y/n) and Marinette, "Are both (Y/n) and Marinette still in the girls room?" She asked the class, mainly Alya and Adrien as they are the one's seated beside them.

"Uh, I don't know miss." Alya answered unsurely.

"I don't know where else she could have gone." Adrien replied, having come up with an excuse for the (h/c) haired female.

Just then, the school bell rang. As Adrien took (Y/n)'s bag, just to make sure she'd get her homework, Chloe butted in at took it for herself. Saying how she'd do it instead.

Alya pov:

As I searched the school for both
(Y/n) and Marinette, I stumbled upon Chloe in the locker room.

For some reason, she was being super secretive with some thing in her locker, as she was checking left and right for people. I hid behind a corner, so she wouldn't see me, and watched as she slid a black armored suit into her purse.

But then she took out a bunched up sword, one that looked just like Player one's. I quietly gasped, but I made sure to cover my mouth so she couldn't hear me.

I followed her from a distance as she ran to her limo, that was waiting for her outside the school. I quickly phoned Marinette and (Y/n), giving a voicemail saying how we would have to talk soon.

I noticed Nino from the corner of my eye, as I grabbed him by the arm I asked, "You got a minute?"

"Uh- Yeah?"

I dragged him to a secluded area that had a bench, as I seated us both down, I explained why I dragged him here. But before I did, I just had to try and call Mari and (Y/n) one more time.

"Hey, this is Marinette leave a message. Beep!"

"Sorry man, I was being a little to epic to answer your call. Call back never, loser! Sorry- you've called (Y/n), leave a message!"

I grunted in frustration, "I hate it when they go awol, and they aren't calling me back, where are those two?!"

"Seriously, (Y/n) and Adrien aren't answering me either. But I guess you can't answer calls when you've got photoshoots..." Nino said from beside me.

Soon, my phone started beeping, this ment something's must've happened that was news worthy.

"Once again Player one, Ladybug and Chat noir have saved Paris from the clutches of an evil villain."

The video showed Ladybug and Player one together, standing side by side. Ladybug waved at the crowed, Player one did as well, before folding up her sword and placing it in her pocket. Player one had used two swords in the most recent villain attack, guess that's why she had both pockets and a sword holder..

Wait- 'folding her sword'..?

"Wait! I think I just sniffed out who the real Player one is!" I exclaimed, as I put a sticky note on Marinette's bag.

"Chloe." I whispered into Nino's ear.

He stared at me shocked, before laughing, "Chloe? Seriously? She's way to self absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world. You are cray cray lady."

"I am so not, you'll see."

(Y/n) pov:

As I teleported across rooftops and streetlights, I eventually made it to the back side of a hotel, as I hid behind it, I transformed back into my civilian form.

I walked away from the hotel, making my way back to my house, being sure to check my phone.

35 missed calls


I tried to call Alya back, since she was the one who called me the most. But there was no signal from where I was. As I kept walking, I was stopped by a white limousine driving beside me.

"Hey (Y/n)-kinns! I got your school bag for you!" The window rolled down to reveal Chloe.

I approached the car, knowing that I could get dragged in to possibly have a car ride home.

"Thanks Chloe, I really appreciate it." I thanked her.

I was shocked when the car door suddenly opened, even more surprise when I was grabbed by the hand, and yanked into the car. As I tried to register what was happening, the car had already started driving towards my house.

Knowing that I couldn't get out of this one, I attempted to make conversation with Chloe. We talked as I looked out the window, to see Sabrina running after the car.

"Wait! Stop the car!" I yelled, once the car stopped, I opened the door for Sabrina.

The ginger haired female started hesitantly at me, before glancing at Chloe, who was seated right infront of me.

"Is it really okay..?" She shakingly asked.

Chloe turned to me with narrowed eyes, I smiled apologetically at her, before turning back to Sabrina, "Of course it's okay." I moved to make space for her.

As Sabrina thanked me quietly, she then sat next to me, looking anywhere but Chloe.

Jeez, now I feel bad for this girl..

I'm sorry that it's short
940 words
Can you believe I'm thinking about making at least 3 more books?

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