(12) The Curse of The Robot Miraculous

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(Y/n) pov:

Y'know, now that I think about it.. Marinette seems a lot similar to Ladybug... Actually wait, the only difference is the confidence, posture and clothing.. There the same person! Same with Adrien and Chat noir..

I was in my room, sitting in my desk chair doing the finishing touches to my homework.

"(What are thinking about (Y/n)?)" Cy asked me, in the familiar form of bleep bloops.

I turned to the tiny robot beside me, "I pretty much know that Ladybug and Chat noir are Marinette and Adrien."

As I said that, Cy seemed to stiffen. As I wondered what was wrong with them, I started to feel a searing pain in my head. As I doubled over in pain, the last thing I saw before blacking out, was Cy's face turned away from me.

Cyborgs pov:

That's right, how could I forget? The curse.. The reason I can't talk normally.. The reason why I'm not an animal based miraculous like the others. The reason why.. The reason I'm not like my old self anymore..

I turned away in sorrow at the sight my current holder, clutching her head in pain. I'm sorry (Y/n).. I'm sorry your cursed because of me.. I turned back to (Y/n) when I heard her groan from where she layed.

I watched as she slowly lifted her head from her desk she looked around for a moment.

"What happened?.. Did I fall asleep?!" She exclaimed before getting up from her chair in panic.

"(Don't worry! Your not late.)" I 'told' her.

"Oh." Was all she said as the stress left her body while she sat back down into her chair.

"What were we talking about again?" She asked, as she put her history textbook back into her bag.

"(About the Īdëñ5î5ïêß œf Læd6b7 æñd Çhæ5 Ñœ84..)" I tried to tell her.

[Identities of Ladybug and Chat noir.]

She turned back to me confused, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She asked as she put her full attention on me, to hear what I said more clearly.

I sighed quietly as I put my head down, "(About your next photoshoot..!)" I 'excitedly' replied to her.

"Oh, sorry- I thought you said something else." She smiled at me before turning back to her math work.

I'm so sorry (Y/n)...

Lady Wifi will be next
386 words

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