2 | Murderer

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El woke up to sound of birds chirping outside the window of their dorm. Rubbing her eyes she sat up looking at her dorm mates. Sam still sprawled on her bed in an awfully uncomfortable position. Rosaline Avery and Eloise Rosier sleeping opposite to her bed. The bed of Millicent Bulstrode was neatly empty. The sound of shower coming from the bathroom indicated she was bathing.

El groaned as she could not sleep in the room with that sound and swinged her feet out of the bed, her hair untied and messy, wearing a pair of short shorts and tank top she stood up and looked over the clock to see it was 7 o'clock. Peeking around the room she saw her cat asleep on the top of Rosaline's wardrobe, Dynamite's favourite place, Rosaline was surely gonna throw a fit about it as she didnt like El's cat a bit because in the first year Dynamite scratched Roseline's face, giving her a few scratches on her cheekbones.

Meanwhile Millicent was no where near to finishing El knew this so decided to roam around the common room a bit. Opening her door she stepped outside standing by the railing of stairs she peeked over the common room to see two giants laying on the floor with food around them, El made a disgusted face and descended downstairs. The rest of the common room was empty.

She could hear the loud snores of the two boys laying behind her on the floor, those two seemed to have enjoyed the feast from last night a lot. She turned around to look at them.

"Pigs." She muttered disgusted, she picked up the half drank colddrink from beside them and sprawled it over them, making the boys shriek loudly, she covered her ears with her hands.

"Shut up you trolls, this is not a place to sleep, go to your dorms before Snape comes and sees what condition you've made of the common room." She said throwing the empty can on them, the boys groaned and left for their dorms sleepily.

There was no sign of life in the dungeons this early in the morning, so she plopped herself on the comfy couch and drifted to sleep.

A few minutes later she felt someone poke her face, she heard someone telling her to get up.

"Its christmas today mum." She whined in sleep and heard a chuckle.

"Its not christmas sunshine." She heard the masculine voice and then jolted up on the nickname, she opened her eyes to see a face too close to her. She shrieked on seeing the amber eyes and fell down the couch.

"Ow!" She whined rubbing her head, she saw a hand offered to her, taking it stood up glaring at the boy.

"You!" she jabbed her finger in his chest. " What were you doing?" She asked threateningly. The boy just chuckled and raised his hands in surrender.

"Its more of a fact that what were you doing here?" He asked with his mandatory sly smirk.

"I was sleeping Einstein." She said folding her arms glaring at him.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 ⚯͛  𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now