16 | Potter Manor

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"ELLIE PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" Ed called knocking on El's door softly.

Since previous night El hasn't opened the door, it was now eleven in the morning. Daphne agreed to let El go to the quidditch world cup after Ed insisted, but they hadn't told El yet.

"I am sleeping Ed." El called with a raspy voice.

"We need to tell you something." He called.

"Later." She called. Ed sighed, she was still mad.

"Ellie come to breakfast its really important and I am not taking a no for an answer." Ed called and left.

El groaned getting out of bed, her eyes darted to a wooden toy which was broken by her last night when she was furious.

She got ready and descended downstairs with a blank face with Dynamite in her arms. She found her mother and Ed were already sitting on the table waiting for her. She muttered a short 'morning' to Ed and sat down beside him, across Daphne.

"Eggs?" He asked from beside her, she shook her head still down.

"Love just say it." Ed said softly to Daphne after sighing. El looked up shortly meeting her mother's gaze, then looked back down.

"Do you really want to go to the quidditch world cup?" Daphne asked in monotone.

"Is that even a question." El muttered back in same tone.

"Fine." Daphne said sighing. El looked at her in confusion.Meanwhile Ed rolled his eyes at the mother and daughter, both of them were exactly the same.

"You can go." Daphne said pursing her lips. El squinted her eyes at her.

"She is trying to fool me right, so that I do her work or something?" El whispered to Ed beside her.

"No she's not, I convinced her to let you go." Ed whispered back.

"But yesterday she was fuming like an engine." El whispered in confusion.

"Yeah, but she's cool now." Ed whispered.

"She can never be cool, you know that." El whispered giving him the knowing look .

"I know that-" Ed whispered nodding, but his wife cut him off.

"You remember I am sitting right across to both of you and can hear you very clearly." Daphne said deadpanned.

"Eavesdropper." El muttered. Ed nudged her shoulder slightly.

"So now its final I am taking you to the quidditch world cup." Ed said smiling.

"And you are okay with this now?" El asked raising an eyebrow at her mum.

"Yes, as long as you dont cause any trouble."  Daphne said.

"Really!?" El jumped up in excitement.

"Yep." Daphne nodded with a small smile.

"We are going to the Quidditch world cup!" El and Ed cheered in unison.

After having breakfast El ran to her room and came back down quickly. She found her mother in the kitchen and rushed towards her.

"Mum." El called slowly from behind. Daphne hummed in response.

"I have something." El said making her turn around.

"What?" Daphne asked wiping her hands. El passed her card, Daphne gave her for the shopping. Daphne looked up at her face to see a cheeky smile.

"Your face tells, you used it." Daphne said taking the card with small smile.

"I loved using it." El said grinning.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 ⚯͛  𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now