Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

~Draco's POV~

Gradually people left, to go home for the Christmas holidays, until there were only about ten people in the whole school. Hermione stayed at Hogwarts over the holidays, and so did I, because there was no place else to go that would be enjoyable. Plus, secretly I just wanted to spend as much time as I could with Hermione. It was the weekend before Christmas, and Hermione was extremely excited about it. Her happiness was contagious, I began to get excited too, even though all the memories I had of Christmas were dull and boring. Hermione seemed to have a different outlook, so I decided to trust her and follow her excitement.

On the Saturday before Christmas, I woke up and crept into Hermione's bedroom. She was curled up into a small ball, with her head resting against her hands and her wavy, brown hair draped across the pillow. I stroked her tender cheek with my finger. She was sleeping soundly, I almost didn't want to wake her up. But of course, I really did.

"HERMIONE!" I yelled as loud as I could. "OH, HERMIONE!"

She turned over, with her eyes clamped shut. "WAKEY WAKEY! RISE AND SHINE!" I laughed.

"Shut up and go back to sleep." She grumbled. I ran around to the other side of the bed, so I could see her face. She still had her eyes closed. I moved my face close to hers.

"But I can't Hermione. I just can't. Do you want know why?" I whispered into her face. A smile played around her lips as she felt my breath caress her, but she quickly replaced it.

"No, I don't. What I want, is for you to go back to bed." She replied. I moved to the end of her bed.

"Seems like you aren't going to get what you want then, doesn't it." I smirked. She put a pillow over her head. I spoke loudly so I knew she could hear me.

"If you don't get up in the next ten seconds, I can't be held responsible for my actions." I half giggled. "10."

"Go away Malfoy." She complained, her voice muffled from under her pillow.

"9." I replied happily. She nuzzled her head deeper into her pillow. "8. 7. 6. 5. 4." She pressed the other pillow down tightly over her head, desperately trying to ignore me.

"3." I laughed. "2." She continued to take no notice of me.

"1!" I yelled. She stayed still. "Okay, you leave me no choice." I raised my wand "Aguamenti." Water sprayed out of my wand, everywhere, completely soaking Hermione. She screamed and I laughed gleefully, as I continued to drench her. She stood up on her bed, trying to move from the jet of water, but it followed her, like a dog to its master. She didn't look happy, to say the least, as her hair clung to her face and her pyjamas were saturated with water.

"Malfoy!" She screamed perilously. I hastily turned off the spray, deciding she was fully awake. She was dripping from head to toe. "What in the name of Merlin's beard was that for!"

"I did warn you." I laughed, looking at her shaking form. But suddenly her whole face changed, anger replaced with longing as she stared at me. She slowly walked closer to me, and I moved closer to her. She brought her face up to mine, I was once again intoxicated. I didn't notice as she slowly pulled out her wand and pointed it at me. "Rictusempra." She whispered. And I fell to the floor laughing, hysterically and uncontrollably. She had put the tickling charm on me. She had tricked me. I couldn't stop laughing, I was rolling on the floor, unable to stop it. Hermione just stood, watching me, smiling.

"Please make it stop." I looked at her pleadingly. She only grinned in return. The ticking was becoming unbearable. "Please I'll do anything. Just stop this, its torture."

"You'll do anything, you say?" She smirked at the power she had over me.

"Yes." I gasped writhing around on the floor.

"I'll remember that." She muttered and removed the charm. I stood up slowly regaining my breath.

"Wow. You should be a Slytherin. Very sly." She winked at me in return.

"So why the early wake-up call Draco?" she asked, menace returning to her voice at the memory.

"Because." I moved to her, holding both her hands in mine. "You and I are going to Hogsmeade today." She grinned at me, her eyes wide with excitement.

"And it'll probably be almost empty because everyone has gone home for Christmas." I grinned at her.

"But first, you should probably dry off, you're sodden." I said matter-of-factly. Hermione just pushed me in return, scowling as she walked off.

We wandered to Hogsmeade, hand in hand, because we were alone. Trekking through the snow, we finally arrived at the first shop; Honeydukes. Hermione bought piles of sweets and chocolates, as Christmas presents for Ron. Next, we went into Gladrags; I went looking for some funny clothes to get Blaise and Hermione looked for a suitable dress for Luna. We both came out with what we wanted and headed to Zonko's joke shop where I bought some novelty items for Theo, and Hermione bought some for Harry. Hermione also bought Quidditch supplies for Ginny, at Spintwitches, because apparently it was her dream to become a professional Quidditch player. Hermione dragged me into Dogweed and Deathcap to buy an exotic plant for Neville. Hermione took me into Tomes and Scrolls, the best shop I had ever been in. It was filled to bursting with books, different sizes, shapes, colours. It was amazing. Hermione was in her element, she looked at home in there.

"What? I used to spend a lot of time in here to get away from everyone. It was my favourite place to go." She said self-consciously, as I stared at her.

"I think its wonderful Hermione." She smiled brightly at me and led me round the shop.

After buying lots of new books, we decided it was best to enjoy some lunch. Passing Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, I stopped. "Come on Hermione." I said, "In here." She looked at me, her eyes wide with disbelief. I glanced inside. It was full of frilly decorations and lacy napkins and tablecloths with china cups.

"It looks perfect don't you think." I said, but Hermione looked disgusted. I laughed and Hermione looked at me confused.

"Hermione don't look so scared, I'm joking." I laughed again. She smiled.

"Few! I would rather jump in the Black Lake than spend an afternoon in there!" She said.

She was so perfect. "I know, it creeps me out too." She nodded. And we walked to The Three Broomsticks.

Sitting in a secluded booth, we happily sipped our butterbeer, chatting away together. Just before we finished our drink, I grabbed Hermione's hands and gazed into her eyes.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now Hermione." I said nervously, she nodded for me to carry on. "I really like you Hermione and I hope you like me t-"

"I do." She interrupted, reassuring me as she smiled.

"Well I really like you and you like me, so um, I was, er, thinking, if you, er." I rubbed the back of my neck, uneasily. "If you possibly, er maybe, want to be my, er girlfriend?" I looked down, embarrassed as soon as I said it. I knew she was just too good for me. But despite this, she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes.

"Draco Malfoy, I'd be honoured to be your girlfriend." She whispered. My eyes grew wide with surprise, but before I could say anything, Hermione pressed her lips gently against mine and I responded quickly, deepening the kiss. I stood up, leaning over the table as to reach her easily, but as I did so, I knocked over my glass of butterbeer. We broke apart instantly. "Repario." I said quietly and the glass fixed itself. Hermione was smiling at the blush creeping up my cheeks, I laughed with her, taking her hand in mine and walking back to the castle.

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