Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

~Hermione's POV~

"Draco! Draco! Wake up! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!" I yelled, smashing a pillow over his head. He grunted, just about acknowledging me. I walked up to him and shook his shoulders violently. He slowly opened one eye, peering at me cautiously. I grinned at him. Reluctantly, he opened the other eye, still staring.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!" I giggled.

"You know Granger, you are really annoying."

"Thank you." I replied happily, as I resorted to pushing him out of bed. Once he was standing, I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the common room, by the fire.

"What are you wearing?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"My traditional Christmas pyjamas!" I said, "What do you think?" I asked twirling around and giggling. They were made of thick material, so they were warm and snug. They were a bright red colour, with small images of Santa, Rudolph, a snowman and a Christmas elf patterned across them.

"I don't think I'll answer that question." He grinned. I scowled mockingly and jokingly pushed him.

We began opening all our presents, accumulating a considerable stash of goodies, piled in one corner of the room. We had left the presents we had gotten each other for last.

"Open mine first." I said. He grabbed the present and looked at me. He tore off the snowflake wrapping paper and revealed the contents inside. I had got him Volubilis Potion, which temporarily alters the drinker's voice. He laughed and then grinned at me. "Thank you." I smiled in return. He looked down again and picked up the other thing I had gotten him; a Dreamless Sleep Potion. I knew he had been struggling with nightmares.

Without warning, Draco grabbed me and spun me round. He stopped and looked into my eyes.

"Thank you." He pecked my lips. "It really means a lot." He pecked my lips again. I stared at his lips, I wanted to kiss him again, and never stop. His eyes shared the same desire, he grabbed my chin, pulling me ever closer to him. But when we were millimetres apart, he let go, smirking cheekily at me.

"Your turn." He said pointing to the presents, grinning. I took a few steps back, letting the intoxication drain from me, to calm down. I turned to my present and shed the wrapping paper. He had got me the book I most desperately wanted from Tomes and Scrolls. I gasped, delightedly. He had remembered that I wanted that, after mentioning it when we were in the shop. I was shocked that he cared enough to listen to me when I rambled on about books. My heart swelled with gratitude towards Draco. I looked at him, he was looking at me carefully, measuring my reaction. I grinned at him and he smiled back.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said, "I can't believe you remembered."

"Of course I remembered." He said coming closer to me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I stared into his glistening blue eyes that sparkled and shone like stars. I marvelled at his beauty, his soft skin, his sharp, chiselled features, his silky blonde hair.

We stayed, staring at each other for a while. Until his breath caressed my face and neck, causing me to shiver.

"Oh look, mistletoe." He breathed. Glancing up, I saw mistletoe hanging above us. When I looked back into his eyes, they were full of hunger and lust. Staring at his lips, a frenzy overcame me. He was so invigorating. Draco put his hands on the side of my face, locking my head in place. Slowly, he dipped his head, pressing his lips to mine. The burning desire inside of me grew, I kissed back, letting it explode out of me. Moving my hands into his hair, I pressed him closer to me, coiling my fingers around his locks. He moved his hand from my face, downwards, so he could pick me up. I let him and wrapped my legs around him. He sat down on the couch and cradled his arms around my waist, inviting me even closer to him. I whispered into his ear, "Thank you Draco." He shivered and began trailing kisses along my jawline. I stroked his cheek with my thumb. My hands slowly moved to the back of his neck, drawing him closer. His lips returned to mine and we deepened the kiss further. Electricity charged through my body, I felt as if I were truly awakening for the first time.

Eventually, we got dressed and headed, our hands laced together, to the Great Hall. Draco kissed my forehead and let go of my hand, as he turned the corner to the Great Hall. I waited a few seconds before entering after him. We had decided to keep our relationship a secret, as we wanted to be sure it would last, before riling people up about the idea of us together, which many would not be pleased about. There were only a few people sat in the Great Hall, since everyone was celebrating Christmas with their families. For a moment I wished I was at home, laughing and joking with my parents, eating a stuffed Turkey, sat by the fire. But I knew I would have the best Christmas with Draco.

And that I did. The holidays flew by, Draco and I, visited Hogsmeade, had snowball fights and warmed by the fire; I even made him my speciality hot chocolate. We laughed constantly and always had things to talk about, despite the fact that we spent every second of every day together. When the first students began trudging back into Hogwarts, we were sad, knowing that our time together was limited and restricted to our common room.

However there was one thing I was extremely eager about; I received a letter from Harry and Ginny over the holidays inviting me to their wedding! Which was to take place the next week at Hogwarts! I was ecstatic! The whole school was invited, along with the Order, and practically any witch or wizard who wanted to attend, since the wedding of the 'Saviour' was certainly not one to miss.

On the last day of the holidays, Draco and I were sat in the common room; my head rested on his shoulder and his chin on my head. We stayed like that for a while, occasionally talking, but mostly enjoying each other's company.

However we were forced apart, as Ginny burst into our common room, screaming my name. She stopped abruptly at the sight of Draco and I, stood up in the middle of the common room, looking anywhere but at each other, shaking from the fact we were almost caught. Her eyes narrowed as they swept between the two of us; she seemed to be having an argument in her head, before she relaxed and smiled slightly.

"I'm not even going to ask." Smirking, she shook her head.

I put on a faux confused look, "Ginny, I, we-" But she held up a hand to silence me.

"I have something to ask, well, tell you." She grinned at me.

"What!" I said excitedly, happy for the subject change.

"Miss Hermione Jean Granger, would you like to be my Maid of Honour." She giggled, her eyes twinkling.

"With my life, I would." I replied, and ran up to her, hugging her tightly, screaming 'thank you'. We both completely forgot about Draco's presence in the room, as he watched us, confused and amused at the same time.

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