Ch. 18-Happy Birthday Breveena!

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"Breveena," I heard as a hand gently shook my good shoulder. It was very warm


I slowly opened my eyes and saw Trunks over me, concern on his face. Behind him was every Z fighter and family member I knew. I was still in the place I fainted, so it must have been not long after.

"See, she's not dead," Krillin said, punching Yamcha in the arm playfully.

"Hey, with all those injuries, I was sure she was a goner," he said, rubbing his arm.

"Well she is a Saiyan, Prince Vegeta snapped at him, then smirked down at me.

I tried getting up, but the hole in my shoulder and multiple broken ribs made it impossible. The pain was excruciating, and I grimaced and turned a bit. My shoulder wouldn't even allow me to put any weight on it.

"Let's go get her a senzu bean," Goten proposed, turning to his dad.

"That's a good idea," Piccolo said. "I have to tell Dende some things either way."

"I'm sure he watched it all from where he is," Bulla said "He sees everything!" She looked back down at me, eyes sparkling in awe. "You should have saw how great you were!"

"You did fantastic," Bulma agreed.

"I don't feel that way." I groaned, rolling over to a less painful position.My whole body ached. I felt multiple breaks throughout my body, without even moving much. I figured my leg, arm, collarbone, ribs, and knuckles were broken or severely fractured in some way. My head hurt so much, I assumed it was a concussion from getting kneed, elbowed, and punched in the face. I knew I'd have to attend my cuts first. I had thousands of scratches, gashes, and deep wounds all over. The worst was the hole above my collarbone, my side, and the gash on my upper thigh. I have to go immediately into the healing tank, but it'll take at least two days to heal all my injuries, I thought with a groan.

"It's okay, we'll have you fixed up in no time," Kakarot assured.

"Take me to my ship," I said, trying and failing to get up again. I winced and tried to hold back tears. "I have a medical room in there with a healing chamber." I felt the tears forming now. "Saiyan protocol for any large ship."

"That's good; but we have a quicker way," Kakarot told me.

"Really?" I winced again, but opened one eye to look at Prince Vegeta.

"It is," he answered to my silent question, and gave me a look that said 'just go with it.'

I nodded, then instantly felt dizzy.

"Okay," I hissed in pain. Every inch of my body felt bruised and bleeding now that the adrenaline had wore off.That training didn't do as well as I thought, if I still ended up like this.

"We should hurry and take her," Chi Chi urged, looking worriedly at my battered body. "She looks really bad."

Some stood up from their kneeling positions, ready to leave.

"I'll get her," Trunks said, still beside me. "You did great you know," he whispered, smiling at me.

"Not great enough," I said.

He gently picked me up then. He did it so gently I almost felt no pain "Ugh," I still moaned, feeling woozy, then I started choking, a gurgling. I coughed it up; blood. He picked up my other half, upsetting my broken ribs. I threw my head back in pain.


"No, it's not your fault," I assured, covering my eyes with the back of my hand to hide the tears that flowed over my cheeks. I coughed again, and blood spurted forth in my throat, and it spilled down my chin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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