Chapter 15- Don't Get Involved, Family!

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Just saying, in this chapter there will be a lot of violence and fighting, so hope you are ready. You will see another side of Breveena, her true Saiyan instincts coming ou tin the ensuing battle. This is borderline PG13-R. Hope you enjoy!! Comment, vote!!


"I'm sorry Bulma, but I can't wear this yet," i told her sorrowfully. 

"But why, it's your birthday, And your family, Krilin's, and ther friend's are coming today. They're on their way right now!"  

I sighed, trying to tell her not to worry when something clicked in the back of my mind. My vison blurred, and a new vision came over my eyes. It was a huge spaceship. My vision seemed to zoom in, and there was Tarlan, sitting at his throne that overlooked space. He was attended by a servant. 

"How long until we get there?" Tarlan demanded in his silky voice. 

"Not even ten minutes as we go the speed of light sire," the servant answered, handing him a drink. "We'll be returning to normal speed as we enter the Miky Way galaxy." 

"Excellent," the man said, gving a wicked smile. 

There was an overpowering pain that filled my chest then. It wasn't physical pain though. I snapped out of my vision and dropped to my knees, clutching my heart, I couldn't breathe, and I felt as if I discovered something terrible, yet I didn't know what. It felt as if my heart was being torn in two. I gasped for air as my heart beat a little too fast. 

"Breveena!" Bulma yelled. Prince Vegeta was at my side in a flash. 

"What's wrong?" He stared silently into my face I looked up, trying to stop the tears from spilling from my eyes. 

"Nothing Prince," I whispered. 

"There must be..." He trailed off. 

"Hey you guys!" Kakarot walked in with the family. The sudden sight of him hurt my heart even more, and the longing for my father intensified because of his face, and finally brought out the tears. 

"Breveena!" Trunks came in with Krillin's family and ran to my side. I pushed them all back, when another roll of pain and memories came in my head. My dad, calling for help in my dreams...Tarlan's sinister face...why was I thinking of all this?

I shook out of the bad feeling after I realized had an audience. Nobody should see a Saiyan act this way.

"Everybody," I said in a tight voice, All of the party goers were here, and I wanted to tell them the news. They needed to know so they were I was going to fight him. "I'm sorry, but I have to tell you something." I looked up to face them.

After rubbing my face a little, and putting my hair in a tight ponytail, I began speaking.

"As most you know, the beginnings of my travels made me meet with a cruel and strong tyrant. His name is Tarlan. And he almost killed me..." I paused and remembered back, telling them the story...

Tarlan stood over my small frail body. "Weakling, weakling..." he almost chanted as he kicked my torso. I felt ribs snap and cried out in agony. My midsection was on fire; the pain too unbearable. I knew within a few minutes that I'd die of stress and trauma to my body...

"Why don't you try to get up, little Saiyan? Try to prove yourself and your race once more? Too afraid?" He stomped on my ribs again, making me choke and spit out blood. "Come on, prove you're not a weakling."

I grabbed his ankle with a tight grip, gathering my strength.I had to prove myself. He leaned over, laughing mockingly at my attempt. His face was drawn closely to mine as he bent over to watch me struggle.

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