Chapter XIII- Prom and Circumstance

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I walked around uncertainly in these "heels" and wobbled.

"Oh you'll get used to those honey," Bulma assured. I tripped and fell forward into the vanity table.

"Be careful!" Chi Chi grabbed my wrist. "A powerful Saiyan warrior who can balance her body on one finger, but not on heels." She chuckled, shook her head, and kept staring at me. "You look so beautiful. Its gonna drive Trunks crazy."

"I agree," Bulma laughed, looking me up and down. "Just gorgeous. "

"Thanks," I said uncertainly, raking my fingers through my hair nervously. I wasn't sure if it was good that my looks could actually drive someone into insanity.

"Oh, don't do that, it'll mess up the curls. You don't know how LONG it took me to do that to your hair!" Bulma grabbed my hand gently and put it to the side. "Okay, now you look perfect, go outside and dazzle 'em." She winked and shooed me out the door. I walked to the end of the hallway and walked slowly down the stairs like Chi Chi instructed me to do for some reason. I looked down and saw Trunks and the prince standing side by side looking up at me. Trunks was wearing a tuxedo with a dark purple tie that almost matched his hair. Oh, it matches my dress color, I thought. I looked down at it. It was a long, plum colored dress that flowed down over my legs. The top had a large diamond shaped gem, and it had two straps on it that tied around my neck. There was a long slit on the bottom that went up to my thigh, but I liked it because it made it easier to walk. I walked slow regardless, the four in a half inch heels a little too much for me, and had time getting used to. I saw Bulma run down near them.

"I told you to take pictures Vegeta!" she yelled. He just shrugged, smiling. She grabbed it from his hands and started taking rapid pictures of me. That made me hurry down a little faster. I met Trunks and held hands with him.

"You look beautiful," he told me. I blushed, smiling down at our hands.. Bulma was still taking pictures which made it awkward. He took out the bracelet of flowers and put it on my wrist. They were purple, just like my dress.

"Lets go." I was getting annoyed by the pictures.

"No you too! Pose!" Bulma ordered. I looked nervously at Trunks, but he just shrugged. We faced the camera and took it like warriors.


We walked through the entrance, and seemed to spread the crowds with our arrival. Music blared from stereos near the entrance. The men there seemed to keep staring at me, which Trunks responded by holding me closer to him.

It was dark except for the strobe lights and colored beams randomly flying around. It seemed full of life though. People moved around in a rhythmic way. It looked fun.

"Hey you guys!" Goten came up to us with a brunette clinging on his arm. She was pretty, and had a friendly smile.

"Are you guys going to dance?" she asked us.

"Sure," I said without thinking. I turned to Trunks and smiled. "You can teach me along the way."

He just shrugged, getting a little pink.

"Okay, lets go!" I shouted happily, giddy to learn. He led me onto the glowing floor, We faced each other, and he grabbed both of my hands. The music was a little fast paced, so we both began moving our feet to the rhythm. Then, I started moving my body to the music. It seemed natural, like fighting. I got lost in the music, but opened my eyes to see Trunks with his mouth open.

"You can DANCE," he said.

"Really? Thanks! Come on, join me!"

He took my hand and reluctantly joined me. For over an hour straight, we danced. I was having so much fun. The heels didn't even bother me after awhile. After others got tired, we sat down there and talked for another half an hour. Then, a slow tune played through the speakers. It sounded beautiful. Trunks stood up next to me, looked down, and extended his hand.

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