Chapter 16- The Awakening

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Tarlan stared at me evily.

"Then let's go!" he yelled. He grunted and was gone. Now in the middle of the battlefield and far away from my family and friends, I turned my head. Out of thin air Tarlan appeared, and I blocked his punch. I grabbed his forearm with both of my hands and swung him up, slamming him to the ground a microsecond later. We began to move the speed of light. He got up quickly and attacked. I caught and blocked his hits blow for blow.

Tarlan passed my block and punched me hard in the face. I flew yards away, landed, and ricocheted off the ground and was right back at him at the blink of an eye. I hadn't even felt that punch, and blocked another punch he threw.

He flew now. I was instantly in the air where he was flying, and swung my arm back and elbowed him hard. He flew into the ground. I looked at the crater I had created. I had my fists up defensively, jumping on the balls of my feet, ready for him to strike again.

Just as I suspected, Tarlan broke from the ground. Dirt streaked his handsome face as he glowered at me.

"I see the little Saiyan girl has gotten stronger." He spat and gave a crazy look. "That excites me."

I gave a disgusted noise. Angrily, I blasted him with ki waves.

He blocked it at first. Fueled by my disposition of him, I surged forth more energy. I heard his grunts of effort to keep it back.

"Oh no you don't!" I threw my hands forth even more. My body heated up, and I focused all my energy in my arms. The energy was released and he was blown away.

He tumbled in odd angles at least two hundred yards back. I let my arms down, huffing. My training had paid off in the most part; I was winning.

I heard on the sidelines Bulla, Pan, Bulma, and Marron clapping.. Some others smiled, silently cheering me on.

I looked over and gave a sheepish smile.

I felt his power that shocked me. Sensing it, within the knick of time I jumped horizontally in the air, just missing his death beam that came from underground. I twisted in the air and landed on my feet.

Tarlan emerged like a devil spawn from the earth below. Dark blue blood and dirt smeared his face. His green eyes brightened to glow a creepy neon green. I jumped and took a fighting stance again, all playfulness gone.

"Do you really want to play like that Breveena?" he asked me in a creepy tone, breathing shakily. "After all I done for you. I let you live, I offered you a royal seat in my palace to overlook my whole world; and this is how you repay me, BREVEENA?!

I just shook my head. He's lost it...

"Well, no kindness will be paid to you. Now I will show you my true power and you will suffer the consequence of your actions, by death!" A dark purple aura surrounded his entire body. The ground shook beneath our feet violently.

"Aaaahh!" he screamed as his body began to bulge grotesquely. First his lean arms began to bulge. They grew three times bigger, his veins popping out to the point they'd look as if they'd burst. His legs bulged, grew bigger. Finally, his chest popped out. I was able to see every muscle on his torso, even through his armor. He flipped his ponytail over his shoulder and smiled wickedly at me, his once handsome face now grotesque. 

"Now it's my turn."

I steadied my feet and powered up to my highest as well. Floods of images played in my head. My traumatizing experience of how he tortured me, my years alone, my dreams of my father... That powered me up even more. I saw my my turquoise light around me flicker gold for a few seconds, but I ignored it.

Breveena, the last born Saiyan (DBZ FANFIC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now