Chapter IX-Training With the Prince

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"Finally, I made it to 600X Gravity!" I cheered, weak from exhaustion. It had took me almost six weeks to get there, subtracting time I took off training to learn from Piccolo and Kakarot.

"Not really," Prince Vegeta warned. He walked effortlessly to my side, as I bowed over to breathe.

"What? I did everything you asked, and added two new exercises to help me get used to the gravity!" My knees were going weak.

"Well, now time for real fighting." He crossed his arms and gave a smirk at me.

"Woo hoo!" I breathed, raising my hand in enthusiasm.

"But first; one more exercise."


"This helped me, and hurt quite a lot. And now you're stronger than I was when I did it; mistakes will hurt even more."

"That'll help me too, right?" I asked, shakily standing up. Sweat dripped down my face. "You said a Saiyan getting hurt will make them stronger."

"Yes, in some ways." He pushed a button on the main control board and little metal robots came out the ceiling. "Now it works using your own energy. Blast one of them, go ahead."

I stood straight and did as he asked. The turquoise beam of light bounced off the others too quick for my eyes to see, and it was too late before I saw it coming at me. I was blasted down hard into the floor.

"The name of the game is to dodge, duck, do anything you can to make it not hit you." I lay, hurt, in shock. "Well, try not to kill yourself."

He walked out the room.

I'll master this, I promised. Quickly, so I can finally get into improving my fighting skills with the Prince himself.

I readied my hands nervously in front of me. The hovering robots turned my way in participation. "Okay then, here it goes!" I said, blasting a robot.

The blast bounced off one, the others coming closer so as it bounced off, it gained speed. It was going fast, but I could still see it's turquoise color against the red the lights were giving off in the room.

It came closer. I jumped, doing a hand stand to get out the way. It was coming back at lightning speed after I watched it bounce off another robot. "Great," I muttered. I bounced off my palms I was standing on, landed on my feet, and spun out the way. This is tough, I thought. I blasted a ki wave at it, but it missed. That bounced off a robot as well. Oh great. That just made it worse. They both came at me at high speeds.

The door opened behind me. Prince Vegeta decided to watch, I guess.

I snapped my eyes forward quickly when I remembered the ki blasts. "Oh!" They hit me, but my hands were there to block them. I felt my feet skidding backwards. No. With all my strength, I tried to push my hands forward. Shakily, they responded. Come on. Their force was too much. My elbows snapped back into my chest, and the two ki waves knocked me off my feet.

I breathed out, defeated, as I looked up to see I practically landed on Prince Vegeta's feet. Wow, they really hit me far.

"So, having fun?"

I groaned, turning on my side. Not only is the gravity is taking a toll on me, but my own blasts as well! I stood up weakly, now more determined than ever. Prince Vegeta can't see me like this. I grunted, and another ki wave formed. I swung my hand, and let it loose. I ran as I threw it like a ball. It ricochet off two robots and came at me. I jumped out the way, and flew in the air as I tracked its movements. It went at me again. I dodged.

Breveena, the last born Saiyan (DBZ FANFIC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now