Chapter XI- My First, A Lot of Things

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"I guess." I shrugged, holding my new backpack over my shoulder. I dressed 'normal' for the day. Luckily it wasn't all out as Bulma liked. I shook my head, smiling in thought.

"Okay, let's go." We went into his car, and it began hovering into the air.

"Good luck!" Bulma called from the top window. Prince Vegeta stood by her side, his arms crossed and smirking like he always did.

I waved back, smiling. This shouldn't be so hard. We just go to learn, right? We blasted off into the direction. It felt weird not flying there, but I obliged with Bulma and Trunks' wishes.

"Okay, we're here; just act like I showed you." He gave a reassuring smile as we got out and began walking up the steps.

Everyone stared at us. As we passed by, everyone gave us odd looks and peeks.

"Trunks, What's up?" a teenage boy said. A string of others went to greet him as well. Girls gushed over him while they said hello.

"And who's this?" A blond student asked curiously, lowering his sunglasses to stare me up and down.

"A family friend," Trunks answered, scooting ever so defensively to my side. "Foreign exchange student if you want to know."

"Oooh," the guys said. They came closer to greet me.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hiya, and you're name?"


All the guys surrounded me. I confusingly looked at them, and just smiled. "Hi, I'm Breveena."

"Oh, so fancy a name," I heard one say.

"Okay." I shrugged. I threw my long back hair behind me and kept smiling. Trunks cleared his throat, and stared at the guys.

"Yeah, let's go," a brown-eyed small one said nervously.

"See you around," Trunks told them.

"Wow, you're friends are nice, and funny."

"Because they see you," Trunks whispered; I barely heard it. "Just; try to avoid the guys who get too close," he warned me, a concerned look on his face. I tilted my head to what he had said.

"Hey guys!" Goten came up, his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Getting used to it yet, Breveena?"

"I guess," I said uncertainly.

"Good. Hey, we should go get our schedules Trunks."

"Good idea." Trunks took a step and looked back. "Breveena, you should wait here. My mom told me to pick up yours from the office lady. She knows a few people that helped get you in."

"Okay, I'll wait."

He nodded, smiled, and rushed away with Goten.

I sat at a bench and watched them go. Guys and girls stopped both of them along his way to say 'hi'. Trunks and Goten are really popular. I was still not clear on what Trunks had told me. As I pondered that, a few boys came around me.

"Hey, why are you here all alone?" A tall, muscular kid stood over me, his hands in his pockets, staring at me in an odd way.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for someone," I dismissed.

"We could keep you company," another said, smiling widely at me.

"Oh, that won't be necessary." I remembered what Trunks had said, and tried to get them away. "I'm okay."

Breveena, the last born Saiyan (DBZ FANFIC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now