Chapter III-Meeting Kakarot, briefly

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We flew over the cities as we mad our way to Kakarot's. Prince Vegeta showed me small lakes and land masses as we flew over them. Though he did it in displeasure, I still appreciated it.

Finally, we landed at a small house in the woods in the middle of nowhere. I tried and failed to look presentable. The armor was diminished, and their was burn marks everywhere. The black shorts I wore under the suit was singed even shorter than made to be.

Vegeta knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for it to open. He tapped his white boots on the welcome mat until an aging woman finally answered.

"Well hello Vegeta! Long time no see! Now who's this pretty young girl we have here?"

She tried keeping a smile on as she swept her eyes over my ragged clothes.

"Where's Kakarot?" He just went straight for it.

"Goku; oh, he's inside sitting with the family. Me and Gohan are trying to teach him and Goten Algebra in the kitchen."

"Well well well, he can actually put something  other than fighting skills into that thick skull of his?" He smirked, but the lady named Chi Chi just gave an exasperated sigh.

"It's a working progress." She sighed, then noticed me again.  "Oh! How rude of me, would you like to come in?"

"Yes, thank you," I said, walking past her as Prince Vegeta led me to the living room.

Three young men sat at the table, looking at a sheet of paper as one with glasses tried to explain. I sat next to Prince Vegeta as he yelled at them to pay attention.

"Oh, Vegeta! Hey there!" one said, in a orange outfit. His black hair poked out in familiar ways to my father's and my owns. My bangs were just like the front of his hair, and I noticed the same kind of hairs stuck out like that of my own. My hair was way longer though; I kept mostly in a ponytail to avoid getting pulled or snagged in battle. I had it down though today after the fight with Trunks.

"Why is he addressing you so informally?" I asked the Prince softly.

"They are just dimwits," he whispered back. "So Kakarot, I found a family member of yours," he began.

"What?!" Chi Chi exclaimed, coming to look at me. "You're apart of Goku's family?" she asked, coming a little closer. 

"Who's Goku?"

"That's his name," she said, still waiting for an answer.

"Yes, I am. My father was his father's cousin."

She thought about that for a second. "That's pretty close," she replied. "Aww Goku! You do have family!" She ran to her husband, clasping her hands together and gave a wonderful sigh. "I told you there was someone else left alive!"

"Really?" He scratched his head and stared at me. "Wow, what's your name?"

"Breveena," I introduced.

"Well hi Breve--" he began, when Chi Chi burst forth.

"Aww, this calls for celebration! I'm going to arrange a get together in honor of the two reunited family members. Oh, I have to call Bulma!" The ecstatic woman rushed out of the room.

"Sorry, my wife gets worked up easily, mostly in the bad way," he explained, leading us out. We were led out to the soft green grass surrounding his home as we got to know each other.

"Wow, I didn't know others existed," Kakarot awed, stretching his legs. "Vegeta always said we were the only ones left."

"Yes, that only left us and our half breed spawning," Prince Vegeta said coyly.

"Wow, half Saiyans!" I said, looking at the two boys who I hadn't been introduced to yet.

One with short spiky hair, wearing glasses and a vest came up and shook my hand. " Hi, I'm Gohan." He looked at Vegeta. "And I'm a little better than a half breed spawning."

Just then the purple haired boy flew and touched down near us. I looked at him with a little displeasure, then shook it off.

"Oh, hey it's you," he said to me, coming up to the one called Goten.

"Hello, Trunks I believe," I said, giving a solid hand shake like Gohan did. I had yet to get accustomed to the planet's morals and ways of acting. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I didn't know you were apart of royal blood."

"What?" His blue eyes stared into my face.

I slapped my forehead.

"Well, I'm sorry, you're  a good fighter too; I just didn't want to hurt you--you being a girl and all."

"Excuse me?" I glared at him.

"Hey Breveena," Goten pushed in, moving his friend aside. "I didn't get to introduce myself; I'm Goten." The young boy looked around my age, maybe a little younger. He looked like a young version of Kakarot, just with long shaggy hair. He gave me a big smile, a twinkle in his eye. I tilted my head at his actions. Was this how you were to formally introduce yourself here? I just went along with it. I gave him a big smile back. He only blinked one eye at me. I just stared back, confused. "So you're a full blooded Saiyan?" I nodded my head, confused. "And related to my dad, hmm.."

"Wait, what Goten?" Trunks gave a bleak look at him. "She's a--"

'Yup." He nodded happily. I couldn't understand the way he stared at me.

"Goten; you Perv!" Trunks grabbed him and gave him a hard noogie. "She's your family!"

"Distant, if I may say," he laughed. I just stood, confused as the two young boys fought, and the older men talked amongst themselves.

"So, what do you say we have a little fun?" Goten asked me, getting a little too close for comfort. I breathed a sigh of relief when he said that.

"Really?" I breathed.

"Yup, just you and me."

"Okay then." I came a little closer as Trunks slapped his forehead.

He stretched out an arm over me, and I grabbed it, and threw him.

Breveena, the last born Saiyan (DBZ FANFIC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now