His Queen

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When they reached the waterfront, Gino stopped when he saw the boats that Juan and his men had arrived on. It all made sense now, Juan and his men got this close to them because they had come on low powered boats. Being in the building made hearing their arrival impossible. They must have been watching the docks waiting for them to leave. The whole ambush was planned out.

The two men that were guarding the boats had froze for just a moment before lifting their guns aiming at them. Gino shoved Elena hard causing her to fall to the ground as two shots rang out, one hitting him and the other just missing her. Gino grunted but fired back hitting one of the guys and the other dropped getting cover by a boat.

Gino continued to fire at the boat as he moved closer, not giving the guy time to return the shots. When his gun went empty, he tossed it to the side pulling another out as the guy looked up over the edge Gino fired one last shot killing him. Sucking in a deep breath, Gino glanced down at his side while lifting the front of shirt. The bullet had gone straight through him, shaking his head he lowered his shirt.

Elena grabbed the gun she dropped while falling then quickly climbed to her feet and ran towards Gino as he slowly turned to face her. She saw the crimson color starting to soak the side of his shirt as his hand went to where his wound was. She stopped just short of crashing into him with tears falling from her eyes.

"Gino?" her frantic voice caught his attention.

"I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound." He smiled softly at her but knew she did not believe him, and he had to put her focus somewhere else. "We can't stay here. If any of Juan's men are alive, they will head in this direction to get away."

"Where do we go, clearly you do not want me inside and nowhere out here is safe either?"

"Just follow behind me and try not to make any noise."

They walked along the waterfront over to towards a tree line he knew they could use as cover. Once in the trees he led them back towards the front of the building hoping to see Moretti men outside of it. Elena stood close to his back with one hand tightly holding on to the back of his shirt and the other still gripping the gun she had.

When they reached the edge of the trees close to the house, Gino had Elena stay behind one of the trees as he watched the building. She kept her eyes on the area behind them as he stood watching the front, things seemed quiet. He knew well enough that could change at any moment. Elena's safety was the only thing that mattered, he wanted to return to the building and help but that was not an option with her.

Gino pulled his phone out and looked to see if Vinny and the rest of the guys made it yet. There was one message on his phone telling him they had been there and were inside. Gino sent a message to Lorenzo letting him know he was with Elena and they were currently outside the building. He said nothing further than that just in case someone else received the message.

Moments later Lorenzo limped out of the building screaming her name. "Elena!" he had been in the building searching all over for her. "Elena, Gino!"

She heard his voice but stood in her place looking over at Gino and he nodded with a small smile. That was that all she needed knowing it was good for her to go out in the open. Elena ran out of the tree line and straight towards him. "Lorenzo!" she screamed back and watched as he quickly turned towards her.

The relief was clear on his face as she ran towards him until her body slammed against his. Lorenzo wrapped his arms around her small frame pulling her even closer. At that moment the pain in his leg did not matter as he lifted her from the ground burying his face into the crook of her neck breathing in her scent. They were both alive and that was the only thing that matter to him.

The King Wanting His QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang